Draft Annual Plan brings more cycleways forward

Councils have Long Term Plans that they develop every 3 years. But every year, each Council reviews its budget and makes a few adjustments as new circumstances arise. And so it is that Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on …

Photo of the Day: Wellington Hutt Road cycleway

Last week I spent a couple of days in Wellington attending a meeting of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG). While much of AMIG is about discussions of the minutiae of walking and cycling design layouts and standards, there is …

Photo of the Day: Heathcote Express through to the Tannery

Construction of the Heathcote Expressway has been ticking along over summer. Already you can ride from Wilsons Rd (near the old stadium) through Charleston and Woolston to The Tannery. Most of the route is a 30km/h neighbourhood greenway treatment, with …

South Express cycleway now out for consultation

Time for consultation on another Major Cycle Route, and this one is quite a doozy. The South Express (Puari ki Niho-toto) extends all the way from South Hagley Park to Templeton, passing through various suburbs of Riccarton, Sockburn, …

Photo of the Day: East Frame Pump Track

There’s a lot going on in town these days; it’s great to see it all coming together. New buildings are popping up; we’re getting nice new spaces like the Oxford Promenade, and fun events like the Bread & Circus

The Oxford Promenade – a new way through town

I’m slowly appreciating a new route through town as a great place for biking – the Oxford Tce “City Promenade”. Since its opening in late November, this new corridor along the Avon River is providing a relatively traffic-free link …

Cycling in Chch 2018: when bikes were counted and countered

I hope you are all enjoying a nice summer break (or if you’re one of the unlucky ones who has to work, then I hope you get a great break later!). As another year draws to a close, it’s …

The problem with cycleways and turning traffic

The new separated cycleways have given a dramatic transformation to our city cycling network. Lots of people are now enjoying these new connections around town. However, if there was one particular thing that is causing ongoing angst for all parties …

Photo of the Day: New cycleway crossings in town

It’s been a crazy-busy couple of weeks for me lately, hence the trickle of blog posts (lots of half-written draft ones coming one day…). In absence of a full-length post or two, here’s a quick look at one of the …