Flashback Friday: What do you wear when cycling?

For the past few weeks, it has certainly felt like winter has kicked in hard in Christchurch – can’t wait for spring to return! When you’re riding your bike to work or other destinations, that has meant some careful consideration

Confessions of a Newbie Cycle Commuter from Jafa-land

What’s it like to take up cycling to work when you’ve never done it before? That was the interesting test when my partner Tracey landed a new job at Christchurch Main Hospital and decided that commuting there by bike was …

More people than you think in Christchurch are cycling – and a growing number are female…

It’s a regular trope I see often on social media of all stripes – we shouldn’t bother doing much for cycling because it’s only a tiny fraction of the population we’re catering to. This confusion seems to stem from the …

Flashback Friday – End of Tour: Reflections on Cycling in Europe

Earlier this week I reported on the recent draft Chch Transport Plan, which has some great proposals in it. It’s stated that many of the ideas in it came from looking at best practice elsewhere in the world; many

Flashback Friday: How did a 50-year-old get back into cycling?

As someone who is veering rather close to his 50th birthday soon, I am glad that I have activities like biking to help keep me in good shape as I get older. I’ve been biking essentially most of my adult

Guest Post: Are the Demographics of Cyclists Changing?

Chris from Talking Transport takes a look at who’s cycling:

Up till quite recently, if you saw someone riding a bike in Christchurch there would have been a pretty good chance they would have been a male, aged 18-45, athletic, …

End of Tour: Reflections on Cycling in Europe

So, two months after I actually returned home, we come to the end of the belated reports on my 3-month study tour of Europe. I finished with a couple of days in Frankfurt, Germany, before flying out, and I’ve …

Guest Post: How did a 50-year-old get back into cycling?

Here’s another guest blog, this time by a recent convert to riding, Robyn M. Speed:

I blame my son, Andy.

It’s a bit unfair to blame him really, when it all came about because he crashed his bike on the …