Did you know that the “Cycling in Christchurch” website was actually started by an Aucklander? The wonderful “Unity Finesmith” (aka Jenny Marshall) was the original creator, and right from the start had an emphasis on everyday style when …
Author: Unity
THE fluoro coat is for sale!
Happy birthday us!
We support helmet choice
We support helmet choice – this should come as no surprise to anyone who has passed by this website before. Check out our ‘Helmets‘ page for the quick run down of the issue at hand.
But this time …
Cargo bikes
I recently came across this article about how Europe was using more and more cargo bikes to replace delivery trucks …
…“A growing number of businesses are using cargo cycles, a move towards sustainable and free-flowing city traffic that is
Christchurch visit
I spent a lovely couple of days on holiday in Christchurch a couple of weeks ago. I have been down a few times for work but that tends to be just a ‘fly in fly out’ sort of visit so …
Looking for new bloggers
It spring – time for growing!
So we’re putting the call out for some new blogging ‘blood’ to join our teams in Cycling in Auckland, Cycling in Wellington and Cycling in Christchurch!
This is your opportunity to have …
Cycling improvements in the central zone
The new old
Could this be a good idea for the rebuild?
By MANIFESTO Architecture P.C.
…The Bike Hanger is an essential facility for the city of Seoul which aims to increase its bicycle-friendliness. The facility is not only low-maintenance and environmentally friendly,
Bikes for earthquakes
Check out this video of the 2012 Disaster Relief Trials in Portland. Quite simply – bicycles are better than cars at getting around after a disaster.
Integrated yet separated cycle network for Christchurch
I spotted this cycle infrastructure plan idea over on the new Ministry of Awesome website the other day and wondered what everybody else thought.
Is this the correct layout? Do we need more? Any other stuff?…
Canterbury Active Transport Forum
Just sharing some news:
…The Canterbury Active Transport Forum is back!
This is a preliminary notice of a forum to be held on Friday, June 1st at the Christchurch City Council civic offices in Hereford Street from 12.30pm until
I found this article on Public address when I was searching for ‘useful stuff’ for this website. Have you read it? You really should – it’s a real eye opener. Did you know, for instance:
…If the citizens of Christchurch
A little about me!
Cycling in Christchurch launched!
The launching of Cycling in Christchurch has been one of those thoughts, with a ‘good idea’ tag, that has lurked around in the depths of my brain for a while. Then the other day a few stars aligned and I …