Flashback Friday: Cycling projects around Wellington

As I mentioned last week, I missed attending the just-finished 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Wellington, but I’m actually now up in our capital city for a little holiday. I guess you could call it a “busman’s holiday” as I’ll be

Cycling in Tauranga: Hits and Misses

Two weeks ago I was in Tauranga attending the annual NZ Transportation Conference (which partly explains the relative dearth of posts lately…). It was my first visit back to the Bay City in over 4 years, and over 6 …

Photo of the Day: Wellington interim cycleways

I mentioned that I was in Wellington recently, as I’m helping to review some planned cycleways. The Council there are looking at ways to roll out some “transitional cycleways” quickly, using various low-cost products to do so. Already they …

Photo of the Day: Wellington Hutt Road cycleway

Last week I spent a couple of days in Wellington attending a meeting of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG). While much of AMIG is about discussions of the minutiae of walking and cycling design layouts and standards, there is …