Christchurch edges up in @PeopleForBikes Global city ratings

A good sign that Christchurch is starting to do OK cycle-wise internationally is when other parts of the world start to notice us – and rate us. A year ago, I told you how the annual PeopleForBikes City Ratings programme …

Flashback Friday: Roger wants cycling in the city too…

This week, we’ve just had the 13th anniversary of the devastating earthquake that struck Christchurch back in 2011 – it really does seem a lifetime ago now. In the first few years afterwards, a lot of discussions were had about

Flashback Friday: A Regional Cycle Node Network

Greetings from somewhere down the Waitaki Valley! Yes, I’m currently busy biking the Alps2Ocean cycle trail; will give you a full rundown about it on my return. The A2O is part of a growing network of off-road and on-road

New Chch 2023 Cycle Map Now Available

One of the recent little promotional initiatives that quietly popped up during Biketober was the latest release of Christchurch City Council’s Bike Map. Roughly 2 years since its last update, the newest version boasts info about some of the …

Cycling is on the Up in Chch – and even the World is recognising it…

Last week, the Chch City Council released the latest cycle count stats showing that cycling numbers in the city are continuing to climb, up 6% from the same time last year and 30-40% up since 5+ years ago. As the …

Flashback Friday-ish: Cycle paths – important for keeping our aging population fit and well?

It says something about the crazy busy week I’ve just had that even managing to do a regular Flashback Friday on time (let alone any other blogpost) escaped me. So as I finally get some R&R time on the weekend,

Flashback Friday: Help us out – Where can you bike in your suburb?

Work and life in general has been rather busy lately, making it difficult to get many new Cycling in Chch posts out the door – sorry about that; hopefully rectified in the near future. Another item on my to-do list

Flashback Friday – End of Tour: Reflections on Cycling in Europe

Earlier this week I reported on the recent draft Chch Transport Plan, which has some great proposals in it. It’s stated that many of the ideas in it came from looking at best practice elsewhere in the world; many

A lot to like about the draft Chch Transport Plan

It may have been an attempt at a political stunt but, whatever the motivations, the Christchurch City Council decided a couple of weeks ago to publish the draft version of its Christchurch Transport Plan currently in development. There was subsequently …

Photo of the Day: Wellington interim cycleways

I mentioned that I was in Wellington recently, as I’m helping to review some planned cycleways. The Council there are looking at ways to roll out some “transitional cycleways” quickly, using various low-cost products to do so. Already they …

Flashback Friday – Return to Christchurch: Cycling works underway

When we haven’t been pondering our own cold/wet weather lately, much of the focus this week has been on the incredibly hot weather over in Europe (climate change, anyone?). Seven years ago, I had just returned from three months in

Cycling in Chch 2021 in Review: the Network grows…

And so we come to the end of another crazy year – who needs cycling dramas when there’s enough going on in the world at the best of times… And yet, once again during lockdown, cycling reminded us why it’s …