The Northern Line (sometimes still referred to as the “Railway Cycleway”) has been a mainstay of Christchurch’s off-road cycle network for many years. Plans have been afoot for some years to extend it further north and south along the …
Tag: Major Cycleways
Flashback Friday – First Look: Uni-Cycle completion
In the past week I’ve had to head over to Canterbury University three times to deliver some guest traffic engineering lectures (one of them on cycle planning/design…). The ride to get there has taken me from town via the Uni-Cycle …
Flashback Friday: Christchurch wins big at 2018 Bike to the Future awards
I’ll continue the Palmerston North theme of late, by mentioning one of the successful outcomes from the 2018 2WALKandCYCLE Conference there – a couple of big award wins for Christchurch-based projects, as first reported back in Aug 2018. The …
Submit now on Chch Draft Long Term Plan
Every three years, Councils around the country are required to review and update their 10-year Long Term Plans (LTPs), which sets out what they propose spending on over the coming decade (and where the money will come from), based on …
A loop ride to Tai Tapu
Tai Tapu has long been a popular destination for road cyclists. It’s close enough to Christchurch to be easily reached, yet distant enough to provide an opportunity for smooth uninterrupted cycling away from the city traffic. And, of course, there …
Flashback Friday: Council Long Term Plan brings some good cycleway news
In case you haven’t noticed; the Chch City Council is currently consulting on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan (with feedback due Sun 21st Apr). This important exercise every three years sets out the key priorities for the various Council activities, …
Flashback Friday: Are new cycleways OK for existing cyclists?
I had an interesting conversation earlier this week with a reporter, talking about how people are getting used to using our cycleways as they get ever busy, including lots of passing each other and queuing at intersections. It’s a nice …
First Look: South Express Part Two
Last week I started introducing you to the first section of the South Express Major Cycle Route, as far as Upper Riccarton. That section of the cycleway has been mostly in place for well over a year already, but many …
First Look: South Express Part One
While there has been a lot of fanfare recently about the opening of the Heathcote Expressway and Coastal Pathway cycle routes, another cycleway has been quietly just rolling out has in the opposite direction…
The “South Express” is somewhat oddly …
Cycling in Chch 2023 in Review: The Good, the Bad, the in-Between
And just like that, another year is over and we ponder what has happened since we last reviewed the state of cycling Chch at the end of 2022 – suffice to say that it seems like a mix of things……
New Walk/Cycle Overbridge planned for Brougham St
Many people in Christchurch will be aware that Waka Kotahi (NZTA) have been slowly working on some plans to upgrade aspects of the Brougham St (SH76) corridor. In theory that might mean an improvement to the (fairly crappy excuse …
Flashback Friday: What price for a cycleway?
Most of the Major Cycle Routes that are being developed around Chch follow either existing streets or through parks and other reserve areas. But nearly 7 years ago, one new route was created through the purchase of a couple of …
New Chch 2023 Cycle Map Now Available
One of the recent little promotional initiatives that quietly popped up during Biketober was the latest release of Christchurch City Council’s Bike Map. Roughly 2 years since its last update, the newest version boasts info about some of the …
Flashback Friday: Do cycleways = extravagance?
Christchurch City Council is starting conversations about their updated Long Term Plan, and already there have been some rumblings about possible financial struggles. Predictably, cycleways are one of the possible candidates for the chopping block, although I’d be …
Flashback Friday: Nor’west Arc Cycleway – Section 3 consultation
If you’ve been following the news, you might have heard about the rather odd last-minute notice of motion by Cr James Gough to have a section of the planned Nor’West Arc Major Cycleway (literally about to start construction) reviewed to …
Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Chch Northern Railway Cycleway
This week comes the news that some more works are starting on the Northern Line cycleway in Redwood. It’s been a while coming – and there’s still more sections to complete as well. The Northern Line (aka the Railway Cycleway) …
Flashback Friday Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works
Shared paths have a mixed reception from various users of them, especially when they’re not particularly wide. It’s why there is often a push to have separate walking and cycling paths where possible. The alternative is to at least widen …
Flashback Friday: Money galore for cycleways
The Government’s latest Budget was just delivered; given the current political environment it was no surprise to see it focus on “the basics” and cost of living. On the transport front, there were lollies for public transport services and fares…
Flashback Friday – The $69 million question: Sign the Petition for cycleways
Many of you may know that the Christchurch City Council’s Annual Plan is currently out for consultation. Submissions close this Monday 10th April, so make sure that you have your say! As is often the case, some cycleways …
Photo of the Day: North Hagley Park cycleway closures
Hot on the heels of my recent discussion about biking to major events, it’s also worth pointing out that sometimes major events can also impact on people just trying to bike around the city. Case in point: North Hagley …