Flashback Friday: Outside the new bus interchange – what’s it like for cycling?

Recently I did some research on travel mode shift and safety and bus transport came out as the safest road transport mode. That’s probably cold comfort (literally…) for many of the occupants of the bus crashes near Tekapo yesterday; thankfully

Flashback Friday – Vienna: Cycling on the Rise

It’s starting to get a little bit cooler and for many Kiwis they might be thinking of travelling to warmer climes. Indeed, two of my children are planning to head over to Europe in the next few months. So I

First Look: South Express Part One

While there has been a lot of fanfare recently about the opening of the Heathcote Expressway and Coastal Pathway cycle routes, another cycleway has been quietly just rolling out has in the opposite direction…

The “South Express” is somewhat oddly …

Have Your Say – Cycleways in New Projects

It’s a busy time for Christchurch City Council as they roll out various projects across the city, both in terms of planning/design and implementation. At the moment there are three very interesting ones out for consultation that have some good …

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Chch Northern Railway Cycleway

This week comes the news that some more works are starting on the Northern Line cycleway in Redwood. It’s been a while coming – and there’s still more sections to complete as well. The Northern Line (aka the Railway Cycleway)

Flashback Friday: What can Christchurch learn from The Netherlands?

This week we heard the fantastic news that a large chunk of local streets in Chch will soon see their speed limits lowered – bravo! For some people, speed management still seems like a strange (and unnecessary) facet of our

Touring Chch Cycleways: the Good, the Bad, the Interesting

Happy New Year! One of the fun things I like to do in my spare time is to hop on my bike and go and explore some part of the city that I haven’t visited lately. Inevitably there are some …

Flashback Friday – Return to Christchurch: Cycling works underway

When we haven’t been pondering our own cold/wet weather lately, much of the focus this week has been on the incredibly hot weather over in Europe (climate change, anyone?). Seven years ago, I had just returned from three months in

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Amsterdam – does it live up to the hype?

Pay attention to some of the debates that occur in the media comments sections about cycleways and at some point a naysayer is invariably going to say that “[NZ town X] is not like Amsterdam!” Ignoring the fact that a

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Utrecht

Happy Easter! I hope you’re managing to get in some bike rides to work off all the additional chocolate… It’s been an interesting week, not least because I managed to catch Covid. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my symptoms have

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Bristol

Any time that someone claims their city is too hilly for lots of cycling (and conversely, that’s why everyone bikes in Chch…) I invariably think about all of the hilly cities I have visited around the world that somehow buck

Flashback Friday: Hagley/Hospital street works so far

We cycling advocates can be a picky bunch sometimes; as I illustrated with yesterday’s post, something new might be mostly good but there always seems to be something they could have done a little better… This is not a