Flashback Friday: Last stop Boston – and Reflections on US Cycling

As Covid omicron threatens to cause some mayhem across NZ, we often look with thanks that to date we seem to have avoided the worst outcomes as observed in places like the US. The US is an interesting place to

Flashback Friday: Interesting cycle stuff from New York

I’m still struggling to get many original posts out there right now – seem to be straight back into a busy workload for the year. So for now, another Flashback Friday will have to suffice, again returning to my North

Flashback Friday: Interesting cycle stuff from Washington DC

Back at my old university job, about this time of year I was often making the pilgrimage to the winter of Washington DC for a big annual transportation conference there. Remarkable to think that my last visit there was 5

Flashback Friday: Where would you like some Separator Posts?

Long before separated cycleways were commonplace around Christchurch, one way to improve the level of comfort with existing painted cycle lanes was to add some occasional vertical posts to keep errant motorists at bay. Even now, this relatively low-cost measure

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Tennyson St Cycleway

If you think all of these separated cycleways are relatively new for Christchurch, then you have forgotten that the first one actually popped up nearly 18 years ago. Ultimately destined to form part of the Southern Lights major cycle route,

Flashback Friday: Christchurch cycling – Copenhagen style

When we look at some of the intricate Major Cycle Route layouts these days, it’s interesting to recall that it wasn’t that many years back when we had no local guidance for how to design these. National cycleway planning/design guidance

Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Hook Turn Boxes

If you do get out and about on your bike over this Easter weekend, you might come across a few of these handy green boxes at intersections. Back in Mar 2013 when I originally posted this, hook turns were still

Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Cycle Detectors

Anyone who uses many of the new Major Cycle Routes will appreciate the way that most of the signalised crossings along the way quickly detect a rider and then provide a crossing phase for riders. Some of the detection technology

First look: Quarrymans Trail Stage 2

As mentioned recently, the final section of the Quarryman’s Trail, from Hoon Hay to Halswell (3.5 km), is now completely open. We previously provided an overview of the first stage of the cycleway, so it’s time to provide a …

Flashback Friday: Vancouver Neighbourhood Greenways

Christchurch now has a  number of “neighbourhood greenway” cycle routes, but I first encountered them in Oregon (Portland and Eugene) and subsequently Seattle and Vancouver. They’re not like conventional cycleways, where there is some kind of marked lane or separated

Flashback Friday: Vancouver Separated Bikeways

“Cycling in Chch” has always looked elsewhere for inspiring ideas that could apply here. I’ve been lucky that my work has allowed me to travel to many interesting places around the world (although these days, it’s more likely to be

Community Board makes walking and cycling harder

Some may recall that a Council ‘professional traffic planner’ decided the best way to deal with congestion at the corner of Memorial and Greers was to get rid of the cycle lane and narrow the footpath to make more room …

Photo of the Day: Heathcote Express through to the Tannery

Construction of the Heathcote Expressway has been ticking along over summer. Already you can ride from Wilsons Rd (near the old stadium) through Charleston and Woolston to The Tannery. Most of the route is a 30km/h neighbourhood greenway treatment, with …

South Express cycleway now out for consultation

Time for consultation on another Major Cycle Route, and this one is quite a doozy. The South Express (Puari ki Niho-toto) extends all the way from South Hagley Park to Templeton, passing through various suburbs of Riccarton, Sockburn, …