Flashback Friday: Cycling Missing in the Neighbourhoods

A growing group in Christchurch for discussing key urbanism issues is Greater Ōtautahi; last night they had the latest in a regular series of catch-up meetings. Land use and housing tend to be a big part of the conversations

Flashback Friday: Eastern Visions

The battle cry “what about fixing the East?” has been a constant in recent years since the earthquakes. While a lot of it seems focused on the state of the roads (despite over $1.2 billion having already been spent on

Flashback Friday: Vancouver Neighbourhood Greenways

Christchurch now has a  number of “neighbourhood greenway” cycle routes, but I first encountered them in Oregon (Portland and Eugene) and subsequently Seattle and Vancouver. They’re not like conventional cycleways, where there is some kind of marked lane or separated

Our Space?

Our Space is Regenerate’s Urban Planning draft plan.

From http://greaterchristchurch.org.nz/ourspace/

Submissions in by November 30 2018 Email submissions to ourspace@greaterchristchurch.org.nz

The Greater Christchurch Partnership, that’s Christchurch, Selwyn, Waimakariri, ECan and Ngai Tahu working through Regenerate, a successor to CERA have …

Flashback: Portland Neighbourhood Greenways

A number of the recent proposed Major Cycleways are using “neighbourhood greenway” treatments, including Rapanui/Shag Rock, Papanui Parallel, and Uni-Cycle. Most people understand the concepts of separated cycleways and shared paths that are being used for many …

Eastern Visions

With all the fuss recently about proposed plans for the Central City, many people have quite rightly asked what about plans for east Christchurch where much of the worst quake damage occurred. There is a lot of infrastructure (including …

Cycling Missing in the Neighbourhoods

“Suburban Nation – The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream”
Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck

10th Anniversary Edition
North Point Press 2010

Suburban Nation is three architects’ vision for how our burgeoning population can …

Vancouver: Neighbourhood Greenways

Some of the best cycle routes I encountered in Vancouver had virtually no cycle facilities on them… The City of Vancouver (pop.600,000 within the 2.2million Greater Metro area) has about 450km of bike routes. While some of that is conventional …