Flashback Friday – First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway

Tonight was the latest annual Winter Solstice Ride around North Hagley Park and nearly 200 punters (and all their lights/bling…) turned up for a fun cruise around! The first section of the ride took in part of the pop-up cycleway

Flashback Friday – Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson

Earlier this week, I attended the NZ Walking Summit here in Christchurch, organised by pedestrian advocates Living Streets Aotearoa. It was a fairly well attended forum, with delegates from around the country coming to hear the latest thinking on creating

First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway

As mentioned briefly the other day, Rolleston Ave and Park Tce in the central city have had a bit of a rapid makeover in the past few weeks, creating a new interim separated cycleway while major refurbishment works are …

Some guest pictures of the day – the not so good…

Well I did ask for more guest contributions and, even before then, Don Robertson was in with some less-than-desirable cycleway etiquette around town:

“Thought you might like some pictures for the picture of the day feature on your site. The

Photo of the Day: Wellington Hutt Road cycleway

Last week I spent a couple of days in Wellington attending a meeting of the Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG). While much of AMIG is about discussions of the minutiae of walking and cycling design layouts and standards, there is …

Guest Photo of the Day: Dodgy cycleway parking

As I said the other day, we’re always after guest contributions to Cycling in Christchurch, big or small. And here’s an example of a simple addition to the conversation. Blogsite reader Geof Wilson sent in this photo with …

Ferry Road a link or a gauntlet for the Heathcote Expressway?

This project was already consulted on in late 2016. While a real improvement, it fell short of CCC’s own Cycle Design Guidelines for a Major Cycle Route. Submissions received provided strong support along with requests to improve what was on …

Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?

The growth in housing demand around Greater Christchurch has seen a lot of new subdivisions spring up, particularly on the periphery of the city. Areas that were farmland not too long ago are suddenly just another part of suburbia. We’ve …

Ferry Road Streetscape Improvements at Woolston Village

The City Council is continuing to churn out new street reconstruction proposals around the city; this time it’s the turn of Woolston Village on Ferry Rd to get a makeover. As usual lately, that includes some improvements to the environment …