Flashback Friday – Not-so-hidden Treasures: Hagley Park

We’re seeing some lovely summer weather around Christchurch at the moment, which is a great opportunity to explore some more parts of the city by bike. So why not make some time to visit (or revisit) the lovely splendour of

Flashback Friday: Coastal Pathway makes further progress

Anyone who has been out towards Sumner lately may have noticed the work underway to finish up the last bits of the Coastal Pathway, both through Moncks Bay and also connecting with the Rapanui-Shag Rock cycleway at Ferrymead.

Flashback Friday: Help us out – Where can you bike in your suburb?

Work and life in general has been rather busy lately, making it difficult to get many new Cycling in Chch posts out the door – sorry about that; hopefully rectified in the near future. Another item on my to-do list

Flashback Friday: How do you make your bike commute more interesting?

With the shift to a new house nearly a year ago, my commute to work changed. However, I don’t always takes the same route to or from there; sometimes due to the traffic at different times, sometimes to get in

Flashback Friday: Timely street maintenance is important for cycling

I was in a meeting yesterday where a discussion was held about coming up with a standard national specification for maintenance of cycleways, now that quite a few of them are appearing around the country. It’s one thing to find

Photo of the Day: Wellington interim cycleways

I mentioned that I was in Wellington recently, as I’m helping to review some planned cycleways. The Council there are looking at ways to roll out some “transitional cycleways” quickly, using various low-cost products to do so. Already they …

Flashback Friday: Pathway Leaves – A Menace for Cycling?

Autumn is a lovely time of year as the leaves on the trees turn into golden shades. But it’s also the time when those leaves eventually start dropping off. I was reminded of this when cycling along one of the

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Utrecht

Happy Easter! I hope you’re managing to get in some bike rides to work off all the additional chocolate… It’s been an interesting week, not least because I managed to catch Covid. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my symptoms have

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Bristol

Any time that someone claims their city is too hilly for lots of cycling (and conversely, that’s why everyone bikes in Chch…) I invariably think about all of the hilly cities I have visited around the world that somehow buck

Flashback Friday – Photo (and a half) of the Day: Cycleway signage

This week has been a big week for me as, after eight years, I’ve moved houses. As well as the general upheaval and effort of pack, move, unpack, another thing to get used to are the new options for getting

Flashback Friday: Construction starts on Avon River Promenade

The rebuild of Christchurch post-quake has been a bit hit and miss sometimes (and certainly not quick…), but there have been some wonderful urban design successes. One of them I would say is the Avon River Promenade, which has created

Flashback Friday: Top Tips for Starting Bike Commuting

Sometimes at Cycling in Chch we post about issues that are topical at the time, and sometimes we just like to put up “timeless” pieces that are just hopefully useful advice any time. This one (originally from Sep 2014)

Flashback Friday – Cycling in Madrid

The welcome news in the last day that Spain has come to the rescue with some additional vaccines for us brings to mind previous mutterings on this site about the cycling provisions over there.  Regular guest blogger Robert has been