Flashback Friday Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works

Shared paths have a mixed reception from various users of them, especially when they’re not particularly wide. It’s why there is often a push to have separate walking and cycling paths where possible. The alternative is to at least widen existing paths so that there is more room for everyone. That has been the approach to many Major Cycle Routes, like this section of the Uni-Cycle constructed seven years ago as we posted back in May 2016. It’s also why the Park Terrace cycleway has been added nearby recently to replace the narrow excuse for a shared path right next to it, but now it’s under threat by a few grumpy Councillors who don’t appreciate its comfort and safety value over an unnecessary traffic lane…

The fine weather over the past couple of months has allowed contractors to make excellent progress on the Uni-Cycle pathway improvements from North Hagley Park to Riccarton Bush. The alleyway pathway beside Boys High has been dramatically widened, and a similar transformation is taking place along the previously narrow pathway from Matai St  towards Armagh St:

North Hagley Park: Feel the width…

What used to be not even 2m wide alongside the golf course is now a 4m-wide shared pathway. For now at least, that should make it a lot easier for path users of all types to happily share the space with minimal conflict (remember: keep left unless passing!). Lighting and drainage are also being improved, not to mention eliminating some of those horrible bumps and ruts in the old path.

One more sneak peek photo for you, closer to town:

Even the truck is dwarfed by the new path footprint

It’s a bit of an inconvenience while the work is being done to have to detour around this route. But the final product should be well worth it (should be ready to go within the next month).

Are you looking forward to the new pathway through North Hagley Park?

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