Progress on Chch Cycling Projects

It’s a chilly old time of it in Christchurch lately, and it can feel sometimes like not much is happening locally on the cycle front. Actually there are quite a few projects on the go, either physically on the ground …

Flashback Friday: A Ride around Town – The Old and the New

It’s easy sometimes to get a bit pessimistic or frustrated as we wait for the next bit of the rebuild in the city to take place – when exactly will we see that sports stadium? But sometimes it’s also useful

Flashback Friday: A Ride to Sumner (and the promise of things to come)

It’s almost the end of the lovely summer weather and it might feel like there’s less excuse to jump on the bike and check out the city’s great cycleways. But maybe it’s useful to appreciate a time not that long

Flashback Friday: “Accessible City” Plan – What’s In it for Cycling?

As we get around our post-quake rebuilt city, it seems a lifetime ago when the original plans for the rebuild (esp. in the central city) were being finalised by Govt after Council’s initial proposals. Not surprisingly the transport aspects of

Wednesday Wheelies – 3 years of riding and learning

November 18th 2020 was officially the 3rd birthday of our slow and social riding group based in St Albans. Celebrated at Abberley Park Cottage with a sumptuous lunch of roast lamb and salmon, prepared by the St Albans Residents’ Association, …

Flashback Friday: Does your mother not let you ride on the road?

We’ve had various guest contributors over the years (my thanks to you all), and a few years back we had a few submissions from Anton Angelo, including this one below originally posted in Aug 2013. I remember the

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Tennyson St Cycleway

If you think all of these separated cycleways are relatively new for Christchurch, then you have forgotten that the first one actually popped up nearly 18 years ago. Ultimately destined to form part of the Southern Lights major cycle route,

Big funding boost for Chch cycleways

Yesterday morning, Christchurch woke to the news that the Government was investing in the completion of six major cycle routes, thanks to funding from the Government’s shovel-ready infrastructure fund for COVID-19 recovery.

An extra $87 million is being pumped …

Flashback Friday – First Look: Southern Motorway Cycleway (Pt.1)

As the Southern Motorway extension to Rolleston nears completion (post-lockdown), there will be a little bit of rejoicing too that the cycleway alongside it will also join up to the Little River Trail out towards Prebbleton and Lincoln. Back in

Christchurch Annual Plan and More Community Boards

Nb: Papanui Innes residents and riders your Community Board only gave 11 days for submissions. It is due on Monday March 2nd. The rest vary from 6 to 9 March. The Annual Plan gives you to 2 April.

The consultations …