As mentioned briefly the other day, Rolleston Ave and Park Tce in the central city have had a bit of a rapid makeover in the past few weeks, creating a new interim separated cycleway while major refurbishment works are …
Category: Flashback
Identifies those posts that have already been featured in a Flashback Friday
Biking to Events: Summer 2023 Progress Report
It’s been a fun last few weeks around Ōtautahi Christchurch, with plenty of great events to attend and enjoy. As much as possible, I like to bike to things if I can – usually the whole drama of travelling to/from …
Central City street consultations now out
A couple of central city street improvement projects have been out for consultation over the last few weeks, with consultation originally closing this Monday 7th Nov – although in one case that has changed.
Let’s start with the one where …
2022 Winter Solstice Ride in Pictures
Another year, another successful Winter Solstice Matariki Night Light Ride under our belt! Last Tuesday saw the latest incarnation of this popular event, with lots of enthusiastic people and their bikes decked out in all manner of colourful bright flashing …
Nor’west Arc Cycleway – Section 3 consultation
As mentioned earlier, the final section of the Te Ara O-Rakipaoa Nor’west Arc Cycleway (Section 3 from Ilam – Papanui) is now out for consultation, with submissions closing this Tuesday 12th Oct. This length will complete a route …
Bike Parking at Major Events
Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Great Kiwi Beer Festival in Hagley Park, along with 15,000 others apparently. Not surprisingly, given those numbers, I figured that the most sensible way to get there was by bike, to …
Photo of the Day: Grocery Shopping by Bike
Apparently in many people’s minds, biking is still something you can only do recreationally “for fun” (some people still tellingly refer to it only as a “sport” or “hobby”…). And as for doing something practical like shopping – …
Photo of the Day: 2020 Winter Solstice Ride
We’ve just had the shortest day of the year, and with it the annual Winter Solstice Ride. So it seems appropriate to share a pic from the evening, just before everyone headed away…
The cooler weather kept a few …
Biking and COVID-19 in Christchurch
What a difference a week makes… this time last week, we were all discussing how to limit our interactions with others as we got on with our daily lives in a COVID-19 world, then suddenly: lockdown upon us and …
Vale, Keith Guthrie
For those who have been around the cycling scene in Christchurch for a while, the one retail institution that has outlasted them all is the Cycle Trading Company, currently in Elgin St, Sydenham. And the long-standing institution behind that …
Cycling solo – useful “Alone Time”
“I thought of that while riding my bike” is the oft-quoted response from Albert Einstein as to how he came up with the theory of relativity. And while most of may not have a world-changing idea floating around our head, …
“No-one bikes into town, it’s not practical…”
With the news the other day that cycle numbers in Christchurch are continuing to climb, it was inevitable that the naysayers would jump onto social media and grumble about how cycling is not at all practical for a certain …
Elections: Why are Cycleways always the Easy Beat?
It’s local election time! Chances are you have your voting papers by now and are pondering which boxes to tick. Simon Barnard has provided a useful summary of some of the punters who have put their hand up. I also …
Passing in cycleways
When I visited the cycle-friendly city of Portland (Oregon US) nearly a decade ago, I remember being intrigued to see a “bike overtaking lane” on the climb up to a bridge. Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised for a route …
New Central City cycling projects aim to fix the little things
By now we were meant to be enjoying an enlarged public bike-share scheme around the city; instead we have none (but plenty of e-scooters…). The story behind that is for another day, but at least there is a silver …
What do you wear when cycling?
One of the pervasive myths about cycling in New Zealand is that you can’t do it without wearing lycra, hi-vis, cleated shoes and the like. It has helped fuel the image of the “MAMIL” and has even been cited as …
A Regional Cycle Node Network
Guest contributor Jan Jakob Bornheim has been thinking beyond Christchurch…
The Christchurch Major Cycle Ways are a success in moving people riding their bicycles around Christchurch. But in the last few years, it seems there has been another, quieter evolution …
Review/Preview: Big Bike Film Night 2019
Last night, Christchurch played host to the 2019 Big Bike Film Night. Another fairly full Charles Luney Auditorium audience watched a diverse collection of eleven short films about all manner of biking. More on them in a moment…
If …
High St revitalisation
While consultation is happening at one corner of the central city along Victoria St, another proposal is also out now in the opposite corner along High St. Consultation has begun for plans to reconstruct High St between Cashel St/Mall …
Guest Post: Nobody Rides Bikes in Winter! Right?
Chris Morahan, over at Talking Transport, has been musing about the cycleway count stats for Chch…:
Recently somebody said to me something to the effect of:
“we shouldn’t be building cycleways because even if they’re OK in summer, nobody …