Flashback Friday – Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson

Earlier this week, I attended the NZ Walking Summit here in Christchurch, organised by pedestrian advocates Living Streets Aotearoa. It was a fairly well attended forum, with delegates from around the country coming to hear the latest thinking on creating

Photo of the Day: Cycle Planning & Design Training

It’s a measure of just how crazy-busy I was last week that I didn’t even realise that I’d forgotten to do a Flashback Friday – oh well, onto another one this week… So, what was occupying my time? Well, I …

Flashback Friday: Cycling in Nantes and #VeloCity2015 Conference

Like many parts of the world, Europe is starting to attempt some semblance of post-lockdown normality (even despite the ongoing Covid infection numbers…). In the cycling world, that meant another recent Velo-City cycling conference two weeks ago, in Ljubljana,

Time for another Winter Solstice Ride – Tue 21 June 2022

It’s hard to believe that a simple fun idea dreamed up 10 years ago would turn into a much-loved institution in the Christchurch cycling calendar. But that was the concept started by Ian Wells all those years ago, with the …

Flashback Friday: Trucks and Bikes – Learning how to Share

Last Tuesday, the final Biketober Tuesday seminar saw a panel discussion about safety issues between bikes and trucks. It was a very useful conversation about the progress that has been made (or not) in this area, and it highlighted how

Biketober – Spokes Tuesday Transport Seminars

Principally Biketober is about getting out on your bike and discovering the city. It is especially for those who may not have ridden so much in the past, but have discovered that our new cycleways, shared paths and other recently …