Doesn’t the time go! Spring officially began three weeks ago and now it is six days until the start of Biketober 2022 – Wow – so fast!
Check out the 50 and more events we’ve got in store for 2022, our sixth annual festival.
If the event pages seem a little daunting to navigate, the search feature at the top of the page works very well. Another good tool is to use the event drop down menu and find the calendar. Any event can be added to your personal calendar with a couple of clicks.

The Biketober Passport destinations are ready to go – 47 of them this year. Some interesting (and beautiful) new ones , with plenty of regulars there too. This year there is a two day Central City Family Passport at the end of the school holidays. A great opportunity to learn some things about the city you’d never have thought, and to teach the kids too. The One Day Challenge 2022 can be ridden on either Saturday 29th Oct and Sunday 30th Oct as a two day event or Sunday the 30th as a one day event. As per other years there is a prize pool worth a few thousand $$$…
Biketober came reasonably close this year to securing the opening of the Lyttelton Tunnel for an event, but alas, again it was not to be. The Biketober Rave this year is on October 29th, pushed to the end of the month to make way for the hoped for Lyttelton Tunnel Ride earlier on. A “must do” event…

The support of our business’s and community funding entities has been, as always been great. Biketober is indebted to Rata Foundation and Christchurch City Council for funds and promotion. Ground Effect Cycle Clothing too. Spokes Canterbury people make up many of the Biketober team. Interislander, Christchurch Adventure Park, Cycle Journeys and Ground Effect Cycle Clothing have contributed toward some great prizes.

Look out for the Spokes Tuesday Transport Seminars, plus some interesting group rides arranged by Wednesday Wheelies once a week, AND at a couple of weekends. There’s a great movie on offer and a professionally run Bike Puncture Workshop. RAD bikes can show you throughout the month just what they’re capable of helping in the community, and a host of other providers have some great events for you to enjoy also.

Would you like to be part of the Biketober fun by helping out? We’d love to have a few enthusiastic people assist with The Rave on October 29th – the music will be great. You’ll look good in some hi viz, directing happy, and smiling people riding colourful bikes to get around Hagley Park sweetly. How cool will that be !
See you in October – on your bike…