Cycling and the Law: Positioning yourself on the Road

OK, time to consider some of the nitty-gritty in the road rules when you’re riding, particularly when in the vicinity of other road users. We’ve previously covered the various places where you can/can’t ride, but it’s probably on the …

Guest Photo of the Day: Dodgy cycleway parking

As I said the other day, we’re always after guest contributions to Cycling in Christchurch, big or small. And here’s an example of a simple addition to the conversation. Blogsite reader Geof Wilson sent in this photo with …

Our Space?

Our Space is Regenerate’s Urban Planning draft plan.


Submissions in by November 30 2018 Email submissions to

The Greater Christchurch Partnership, that’s Christchurch, Selwyn, Waimakariri, ECan and Ngai Tahu working through Regenerate, a successor to CERA have …

Come and hear the Bruntletts talk about a cycle-friendly city

Melissa and Chris Bruntlett, from Vancouver Canada, sold their car in 2010 and embraced a “car-lite” life of cycling, walking, public transport and car share with their two young children. Since then, they have become two of the city’s leading …

Christchurch Long Term Plan – More Waiting?

Christchurch City Council has our Long Term Plan, LTP, up for submissions. It covers all aspects of our city and its needs. This article focuses on cycling.

Council is going to need to hear from a lot of us that …

Yes, there are people who cycle in Christchurch – plenty!

Anytime that cycleways are discussed around Christchurch, it doesn’t take long before someone pipes up and claims that they never see any (or many) people using the new or previous cycleways. I always wonder just when, where and how they …

Ferry Road a link or a gauntlet for the Heathcote Expressway?

This project was already consulted on in late 2016. While a real improvement, it fell short of CCC’s own Cycle Design Guidelines for a Major Cycle Route. Submissions received provided strong support along with requests to improve what was on …

Lessons from the Dutch – @Cycling_Embassy Take 2

Three years ago, Christchurch was graced by the visit of two Dutch cycling experts, courtesy of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, who provided lots of useful advice regarding our (then) planning for the Major Cycleway network. Last week, another …

Historic Southern Cyclist Magazine article on Auckland Harbour Bridge Crossing

A friend was cleaning out his garage and handed me a box of Southern Cyclist magazines dating from 1979 to 1988. I haven’t had much time to look through yet but the July 1979 issue had a very interesting read …

Highlights from #2WALKandCYCLE Conference Auckland

As mentioned recently, I attended the 2WALKand CYCLE Conference in Auckland last week. About 260 people took part and there were over 90 different presentations, which are now available on the website (some also have papers as well). If …