This is not the final word from “on high”. Please contribute what you know in the comments. After all, elections are all about community. Let’s hear from the cycling community. updated 26/9
Thanks to all who have commented. Please read …
Anything to do with cycle activism
This is not the final word from “on high”. Please contribute what you know in the comments. After all, elections are all about community. Let’s hear from the cycling community. updated 26/9
Thanks to all who have commented. Please read …
“Simon Barnard” has been a regular contributor to Cycling in Chch since the beginning, providing a lot of useful commentary on cycle advocacy issues in our city. Local cycling advocates Spokes Canterbury have their own website and Facebook …
Did you know that the “Cycling in Christchurch” website was actually started by an Aucklander? The wonderful “Unity Finesmith” (aka Jenny Marshall) was the original creator, and right from the start had an emphasis on everyday style when …
Springtime is looming, bringing with it daffodils, local body elections, and (most importantly) Biketober 2019! Remember last year?
The volunteer Biketober organising team have been keeping warm during these wintery months by preparing another action-packed October full of all …
It’s hard yakka producing blog posts for Cycling in Christchurch; and yet somehow we’ve managed to publish over 800 (!) of them since the start in May 2012. We’ll keep endeavouring to post on all manner of things when we …
OK, time to consider some of the nitty-gritty in the road rules when you’re riding, particularly when in the vicinity of other road users. We’ve previously covered the various places where you can/can’t ride, but it’s probably on the …
As I said the other day, we’re always after guest contributions to Cycling in Christchurch, big or small. And here’s an example of a simple addition to the conversation. Blogsite reader Geof Wilson sent in this photo with …
Our Space is Regenerate’s Urban Planning draft plan.
Submissions in by November 30 2018 Email submissions to
The Greater Christchurch Partnership, that’s Christchurch, Selwyn, Waimakariri, ECan and Ngai Tahu working through Regenerate, a successor to CERA have …
Melissa and Chris Bruntlett, from Vancouver Canada, sold their car in 2010 and embraced a “car-lite” life of cycling, walking, public transport and car share with their two young children. Since then, they have become two of the city’s leading …
It’s now less than two weeks before Biketober 2018 hits Christchurch. The award-winning efforts from last year might have seemed hard to top, but already the programme is looking at least as big and definitely just as varied. And this …
We’re not immune to a little controversy about cycleways in Christchurch, whether it’s their cost, their impact on parking, or the eternal cry of “what about St Asaph St?” But I’d say that we have got nothing on the Island …
If you want to find out the latest happenings in the NZ cycling scene (and beyond), then it might be worth booking some travel to Palmerston North soon. Because the next “2WALKandCYCLE” NZ Walking and Cycling Conference is coming to …
We regularly feature an interesting photo from around the city, but this time it is a video that captures our attention. As you may recall, the City Council has recently been consulting on its Long Term Plan for the next …
Christchurch City Council has our Long Term Plan, LTP, up for submissions. It covers all aspects of our city and its needs. This article focuses on cycling.
Council is going to need to hear from a lot of us that …
Anytime that cycleways are discussed around Christchurch, it doesn’t take long before someone pipes up and claims that they never see any (or many) people using the new or previous cycleways. I always wonder just when, where and how they …
This project was already consulted on in late 2016. While a real improvement, it fell short of CCC’s own Cycle Design Guidelines for a Major Cycle Route. Submissions received provided strong support along with requests to improve what was on …
OK, a bit harsh but, please read on.
CCC continues to roll out the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s, for consultation. The most recent is the Nor’West Arc which goes from the University down to Cashmere Road near Princess Margaret Hospital. …
Getting cycleways over the line in Christchurch (and the rest of New Zealand) has always been a difficult task, with various concerns about cost, car-parking, traffic restrictions, potential conflicts, you name it. It’s interesting to note though how often we …
Is it still summer? The weather is holding out reasonably well, so let’s keep on biking! No doubt many of you took part in February’s Aotearoa Bike Challenge – make sure you get those last few rides logged online and …
Guest blogger Robert contemplates a Sunday well spent…
It was billed as a Spokes Submission ride on Sunday Dec 11th to check out details for the currently consulted Heathcote Expressway and Rapanui-Shag Rock (Stage 2-3) Cycleways (described as a leisurely …