Flashback Friday: Some Bike Ideas from Washington DC

In my previous job at Canterbury University, I was lucky to be able to visit many interesting places overseas, and one of my regular haunts (due to its annual transportation conference) was Washington DC – unfortunately always in the

Photo of the Day: New Central City Bike Parking

It is a truism the world over that there never is enough bike parking (motorists might argue that there is never enough car parking either, but that’s another discussion…). Whether you’re in Amsterdam or Auckland, Copenhagen or Christchurch any …

Flashback Friday: Electric Bikes. Even more reason for good cycling infrastructure

It’s hard to turn anywhere in NZ these days and not see people tootling about on electric (e-)bikes; they have certainly been a growth item (and car-swapping game-changer) for many people over the past few years. Seven years ago, they

Flashback Friday: Public Bikes for Christchurch?

With all the car/bike/scooter sharing schemes available these days (partly thanks to clever apps on our smartphones), it’s hard to remind ourselves that only a few years ago these were all pie-in-the-sky ideas, certainly in NZ. As reported back in