One of the pervasive myths about cycling in New Zealand is that you can’t do it without wearing lycra, hi-vis, cleated shoes and the like. It has helped fuel the image of the “MAMIL” and has even been cited as …
Category: People riding bikes
Anything about people
Cycling and the Law: Positioning yourself on the Road
OK, time to consider some of the nitty-gritty in the road rules when you’re riding, particularly when in the vicinity of other road users. We’ve previously covered the various places where you can/can’t ride, but it’s probably on the …
2019 Winter Solstice Ride is nearly here!
The shortest day of the year is almost upon us – and in Christchurch that means it’s time for the annual Winter Solstice Night Ride! For the 8th year running, people from all over the city will be congregating …
Review/Preview: Big Bike Film Night 2019
Last night, Christchurch played host to the 2019 Big Bike Film Night. Another fairly full Charles Luney Auditorium audience watched a diverse collection of eleven short films about all manner of biking. More on them in a moment…
If …
Guest Post: Nobody Rides Bikes in Winter! Right?
Chris Morahan, over at Talking Transport, has been musing about the cycleway count stats for Chch…:
Recently somebody said to me something to the effect of:
“we shouldn’t be building cycleways because even if they’re OK in summer, nobody …
Guest Post: Are the Demographics of Cyclists Changing?
Chris from Talking Transport takes a look at who’s cycling:
Up till quite recently, if you saw someone riding a bike in Christchurch there would have been a pretty good chance they would have been a male, aged 18-45, athletic, …
F3C3 2019 – Fossil Fuel Free Coast to Coast to Coast
The idea of the Fossil Fuel Free Coast to Coast to Coast (F3C3) is to have a fun holiday, and to encourage the use of active (fossil fuel free) transport for as many journeys as possible, particularly those journeys that …
Guest Post: Cycle Counts February 2019
This blog post by Chris Morahan first appeared in Talking Transport:
I keep seeing comments in various social media circles that no one in Christchurch cycles. It’s always just anecdotal, but even then I don’t understand it. My own …
Cycling Central Melbourne
Since the Christchurch earthquakes, the subsequent rebuild, the rearrangement of certain public spaces, and changes to the way people are being encouraged to travel around the city, travelling to other cities sets me onto comparison mode. Naturally, critiquing the cycling …
Guest Post: Mind those doors!
Cycling in Chch reader Helen Leigh sent me a slightly harrowing story:
“I am an avid cyclist and have cycled for well over 10 years and have traversed much of the city. It was the first week in January this …
Wanted: Your contributions!
You may have noticed that the blog posts have been a little sparse lately; if I can get one a week done I’m doing well at the moment. My apologies to those who like to receive a regular helping of …
Guest Post: 10 things I’ve learned from cycling in Christchurch
Here’s some great insights from Evan O’Donoghue of the City Church of Christchurch (original post):
I ride a total of 20km to and from work every day – rain, hail or shine. That’s about 4,600km a year, or
F3C3 Fossil Fuel Free Coast to Coast to Coast 2019
Would you like to be part of an entertaining outing happening 15-22 Feb 2019? It will be the third time Steve Muir and around seven others will bike from Christchurch to the West Coast and back again towing kayaks behind …
Guest photo of the Day: More people on bikes
The odd burst of cold wet weather notwithstanding, it really is starting to feel like summer is returning to our fair city. And a sure sign of that return is the growing numbers of people out there on bikes.
Chris …
Anecdotal observations from counting bikes
It’s been pointed out often that “the plural of anecdote is not data”, but maybe enough anecdotes can start to give you some kind of feeling for how things are changing. With that semi-convincing justification, it’s time to muse …
Rookie mistakes that can hamper new cyclists
As spring kicks in, and a few more new cycleways appear, more people might be thinking about getting into cycling around Christchurch. That’s great to see (especially with Biketober just around the corner too) but for some newbies, there might …
Guest Post: Is cycling just for Rich People?
There’s a brand new blogsite, Talking Transport, dedicated to all things transport around Christchurch. We’re looking forward to seeing some really interesting conversations there! Here’s a recent article posted there by website creator Chris:
My colleague came back from …
Support and Usage of Cycling still high in Chch
Night-time Cycling
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of travelling around the country. More often than not, that has necessitated very early starts to catch the “red eye” flight out of town. As described previously, my usual method of getting to …
Yes, there are people who cycle in Christchurch – plenty!
Anytime that cycleways are discussed around Christchurch, it doesn’t take long before someone pipes up and claims that they never see any (or many) people using the new or previous cycleways. I always wonder just when, where and how they …