Photo of the Day: East Frame Pump Track

There’s a lot going on in town these days; it’s great to see it all coming together. New buildings are popping up; we’re getting nice new spaces like the Oxford Promenade, and fun events like the Bread & Circus

New northern cycleway to Waimakariri coming

An exciting new development for cycling is about to start construction along the Christchurch Northern Motorway corridor. From the end of August, work will begin to construct additional lanes on the Waimakariri River motorway bridge. As well as two extra …

Christchurch wins big at 2018 Bike to the Future awards

As foreshadowed a couple of weeks back, Christchurch featured a number of nominations in this year’s Bike to the Future Awards, organised by the NZ Transport Agency and Cycling Action Network. At last Tuesday’s 2WALKandCYCLE Conference dinner the …

Council Long Term Plan brings some good cycleway news

Last Friday saw the Christchurch City Council have their  final deliberations about the Long Term Plan (LTP), which sets in place how much CCC will spend on various activities over the next ten years. As mentioned earlier, there was …

Cycle-friendly places vs People-friendly ones

You may have seen the new Cathedral Square concept plans released last week by Regenerate Christchurch. They have certainly generated lots of comment (positive and negative), and you might argue about the architectural merit of some of the development ideas. …

Photo of the Day: Cycle Counter Display

A nice development in Christchurch over the past few months has been the introduction of various automated cycle counters around the city and a webpage at SmartView that captures all of them together. This helps to counter some of the …

Draft Govt Policy Statement is good news for cycling

We’ve heard lots of cycle-friendly murmurings from the new Government since they came into power. But as the saying goes, that all counts for naught until you “show me the money”. That has now happened with the release of …

Yes, there are people who cycle in Christchurch – plenty!

Anytime that cycleways are discussed around Christchurch, it doesn’t take long before someone pipes up and claims that they never see any (or many) people using the new or previous cycleways. I always wonder just when, where and how they …

Do cycleways = extravagance?

There’s a worrying trend starting to appear in conversations around Christchurch. Any time that a city agency (City Council, Otakaro, ECan, you name it) is seen to be doing something new, problematic or contentious, social comment seems to very quickly …

A postcard from Melbourne

This post is long time coming; too many other distractions since, like Biketober… I was lucky to head across the ditch in September for a couple of week’s holiday in Australia. We started in Melbourne and then drove the coastal …

Guest Post: Biking to the Boundary – Waimakariri River Regional Park, Pt.2

Guest blogger Robert concludes his adventures on Christchurch’s outer trails:

It is hard to beat a mild cloudless windless day in Canterbury for biking, particularly at the dying stages of a southwest storm. The air is pristine, views are spectacular …