Cycle counts in Christchurch were in the news this week, with some concerns about stalling bike numbers (at least the Press article was somewhat more measured and factful compared with some other misleading dross elsewhere…). We’re lucky to have built …
Category: Cycle-centric ideas
Bright ideas about cycling
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Nantes and #VeloCity2015 Conference
Like many parts of the world, Europe is starting to attempt some semblance of post-lockdown normality (even despite the ongoing Covid infection numbers…). In the cycling world, that meant another recent Velo-City cycling conference two weeks ago, in Ljubljana, …
Flashback Friday: Night-time Cycling
Happy Matariki! As the first occurrence of our newest public holiday comes towards a close, I’ve returned from enjoying some of the fun light displays in town at Tirama Mai – do get along if you haven’t already, before it …
Flashback Friday: Christchurch – The City that… Cycles ??
As New Zealand reopens to the world (despite the lingering Covid numbers…), and we start to see more international visitors to our shores, it’s an interesting question as to what impressions they will take away from the various places they …
Time for another Winter Solstice Ride – Tue 21 June 2022
It’s hard to believe that a simple fun idea dreamed up 10 years ago would turn into a much-loved institution in the Christchurch cycling calendar. But that was the concept started by Ian Wells all those years ago, with the …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in the Cold
I don’t know about you, but this week has suddenly felt decidedly nippy out there. For some people, that’s when they give up on cycling for a while until spring returns, but for others it’s just a case of applying …
New 529 Garage site aims to tackle bike theft
Tackling bike theft is a perennial problem globally; it’s a particular issue in places where biking is increasingly popular – like Christchurch. We’ve talked about other attempts to address the problem before, but often the challenge is getting sufficient …
10 Years of “Cycling in Christchurch” – A Decade of Change…
On this day, 10 years ago back in 2012, a social media developer from Auckland called Jenny Marshall (aka “Unity Finesmith”) first launched a little blogsite called in Cycling in Christchurch, as well as sister sites Cycling in Auckland…
Flashback Friday: Reflections on a Month in the UK
With all the recent Govt announcements allowing more easy travel in and out of NZ once more, it feels like the world has suddenly opened up again. People are talking about doing the travel they’ve had to postpone for the …
What do you think of the Ferry Road trial so far?
Many locals will recall the efforts roughly a year ago to install a bright “pop-up” separated cycleway along Ferry Rd, connecting the Heathcote Express at Fitzgerald Ave with the St Asaph St cycleway. In a matter of weeks, a relatively …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Bristol
Any time that someone claims their city is too hilly for lots of cycling (and conversely, that’s why everyone bikes in Chch…) I invariably think about all of the hilly cities I have visited around the world that somehow buck …
Chch Cycle Counter Update: More increase – then Covid…
The new cycleways continue to be rolled out around the city, starting to build up to quite the connected network now. Which begs the question: is it making a difference? And has Covid had an impact on things?
A …
Flashback Friday: Last stop Boston – and Reflections on US Cycling
As Covid omicron threatens to cause some mayhem across NZ, we often look with thanks that to date we seem to have avoided the worst outcomes as observed in places like the US. The US is an interesting place to …
Aotearoa Bike Challenge 2022 is nearly here
Summer is upon us (in between the rain…) and that means around the country lots of people are out and about on their bikes during February for the Aotearoa Bike Challenge! This annual event encourages people to give biking …
Flashback Friday: Interesting cycle stuff from New York
I’m still struggling to get many original posts out there right now – seem to be straight back into a busy workload for the year. So for now, another Flashback Friday will have to suffice, again returning to my North …
Cycling in Chch 2021 in Review: the Network grows…
And so we come to the end of another crazy year – who needs cycling dramas when there’s enough going on in the world at the best of times… And yet, once again during lockdown, cycling reminded us why it’s …
Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: McLeans Forest
I hope that most of you are winding down for the holidays now – having spent the past week shifting into to my new home, I’m certainly looking forward to a rest… The summer break is also a good opportunity …
Flashback Friday – Defensive cycling: Looking left
It’s never too late to learn a few more tips and tricks for getting around on your bike safely. Here’s some useful thoughts from Chrys about some defensive cycling practices, first posted in Dec 2014…
I’ve been cycling around …
Help support a new Community Pump Track
Here’s a request from the North Avon Chch BMX Club that’s well worth looking at:
“Hi. Any chance you can post about our funding push. Massive support required for this community Pump Track, that is going to be massive! …
Flashback Friday – Cycling Complaints: When Feedback is Appropriate
I imagine that all of us at some stage when riding have encountered some less-than-exemplary behaviour from other road users; just today, a driver turned left in front of me having just passed me… We often can’t do much about …