The Christchurch City Council is currently consulting on an update to its Parks and Bylaw 2016; you’ve got until Sun Dec 15th to get some feedback in. One of the changes proposed is to expand the mentions of “bicycles” …
Tag: Pedestrians
Flashback Friday: Enschede – a pioneer for cycling
In my work, we’re about to start a really interesting project to hopefully trial some small low-level cycle signals at various cities around NZ. The inspiration for this is from several places in Europe that are already using these to …
Cycling in Singapore: A study in contrasts
I was lucky enough to spend a week holidaying with my partner in Singapore back in early August. We did a lot of fun activities around this equatorial island and mostly survived the sweltering heat.
Of course, ever the transport …
Flashback Friday – First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway
Tonight was the latest annual Winter Solstice Ride around North Hagley Park and nearly 200 punters (and all their lights/bling…) turned up for a fun cruise around! The first section of the ride took in part of the pop-up cycleway …
Flashback Friday – Vienna: Cycling on the Rise
It’s starting to get a little bit cooler and for many Kiwis they might be thinking of travelling to warmer climes. Indeed, two of my children are planning to head over to Europe in the next few months. So I …
Flashback Friday: Highlights from #2WALKandCYCLE Conference Auckland
Next week sees the return of the 2WALKandCYCLE Conference, hosted in Wellington. Partly due to lockdown disruptions, it’s been three years since the last one in Dunedin – quite the wait. Unfortunately I won’t be attending this one – …
Flashback Friday: Cycle-friendly places vs People-friendly ones
If you’ve been anywhere near Cathedral Square lately, you might have noticed the works that have been going on in the southeast quadrant (near Distinction Hotel) to improve the look of the area. It’s part of a wider project to …
Flashback Friday: Can e-scooters and bikes co-exist?
Perhaps I should have re-titled this “can e-scooters and pedestrians co-exist?”, as we’ve just heard that Waka Kotahi (NZTA) have decided to renew their Gazette notice declaring that “e-scooters (up to 300W) are not motor vehicles” and are thus able …
Flashback Friday: New cycling research causes a flurry
It’s a busy time for me at the moment, as I frantically finalise two draft research reports and prepare to start another research project. Research work is a big part of what I do, and many of these projects relate …
Flashback Friday – Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson
Earlier this week, I attended the NZ Walking Summit here in Christchurch, organised by pedestrian advocates Living Streets Aotearoa. It was a fairly well attended forum, with delegates from around the country coming to hear the latest thinking on creating …
Flashback Friday: What can Christchurch learn from The Netherlands?
This week we heard the fantastic news that a large chunk of local streets in Chch will soon see their speed limits lowered – bravo! For some people, speed management still seems like a strange (and unnecessary) facet of our …
First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway
As mentioned briefly the other day, Rolleston Ave and Park Tce in the central city have had a bit of a rapid makeover in the past few weeks, creating a new interim separated cycleway while major refurbishment works are …
Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Rolleston Ave Shared Path
Anyone who has recently been along Rolleston Ave near Canterbury Museum and Christ’s College will have noticed a bit of roadworks there. Due to the major refurbishment of the Museum over the next few years, they’ve had to shift the …
Cycling in Tauranga: Hits and Misses
Two weeks ago I was in Tauranga attending the annual NZ Transportation Conference (which partly explains the relative dearth of posts lately…). It was my first visit back to the Bay City in over 4 years, and over 6 …
Flashback Friday: Isabelle (necessary on a bicycle?)
I was showing someone around the city’s cycleways yesterday, always a fun exercise. There were a few busy sections where pedestrians and riders were mingling together and we had to slowly weave our way through. My colleague was probably better …
Flashback Friday: Why Traffic Speed Matters for Walking and Cycling
This week I have been busy attending the Australasian Road Safety Conference, being held for the first time ever here in Ōtautahi Christchurch. It’s been a fantastic event, with over 450 people attending from the road safety sector in …
Flashback Friday – End of Tour: Reflections on Cycling in Europe
Earlier this week I reported on the recent draft Chch Transport Plan, which has some great proposals in it. It’s stated that many of the ideas in it came from looking at best practice elsewhere in the world; many …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Amsterdam – does it live up to the hype?
Pay attention to some of the debates that occur in the media comments sections about cycleways and at some point a naysayer is invariably going to say that “[NZ town X] is not like Amsterdam!” Ignoring the fact that a …
Flashback Friday: Another look at Auckland: Shared Paths
Another week, another out-of-town trip limiting my spare hours… This time, the work topic vexing my mind is shared paths (or not shared paths). We’ve touched on the question before and it’s an area of evolving best practice in New …
Photo of the Day: Auckland Cycle Crossings
As I mentioned the other day, I’m currently in Auckland, and that’s allowed me to check out a few new cycling sites of interest while I’m here. The Northwestern Cycleway is one of the major cycling routes feeding into the …