Flashback Friday: Learning from Ilam Road

One of the things I realised when I was in The Netherlands a few years back was that their great cycle infrastructure hadn’t happened overnight – it had been a series of gradual improvements as lessons had been learned from

Flashback Friday: How did a 50-year-old get back into cycling?

As someone who is veering rather close to his 50th birthday soon, I am glad that I have activities like biking to help keep me in good shape as I get older. I’ve been biking essentially most of my adult

Flashback Friday – Wanted: New Bloggers and Guest Posts

Ever since we started this website 8 years ago, this seems like a regular call to arms – please help to share your cycling experiences! As other focuses and priorities get in my life, churning out yet another blogpost for

Flashback Friday: Christchurch’s Riskiest Intersections for Cycling?

Before the cycleway programme started getting rolled out in Chch, the local media didn’t really help things by regularly coming up with various “cycle safety” angles for news items. This article, originally from Apr 2013, is a case in

ECan Forgets about Bicycles

ECan’s Annual Plan is up for consultation until 25 March.

Spokes Canterbury has their draft sub up for those with an interest. http://www.spokes.org.nz/2020/03/ecan-annual-plan-2020/

With the new elected ECan Board there is the chance to get cycling back into their consciousness. …

Christchurch Annual Plan and More Community Boards

Nb: Papanui Innes residents and riders your Community Board only gave 11 days for submissions. It is due on Monday March 2nd. The rest vary from 6 to 9 March. The Annual Plan gives you to 2 April.

The consultations …