Flashback Friday: Bikes and buses – starting to think about multimodalism

As you may be aware, the Governments of the world are currently trying to sort out their obligations to tackling climate change at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow. So what does that mean for transport? Well, while there has been

Flashback Friday: Top Tips for Starting Bike Commuting

Sometimes at Cycling in Chch we post about issues that are topical at the time, and sometimes we just like to put up “timeless” pieces that are just hopefully useful advice any time. This one (originally from Sep 2014)

Why cycle count numbers are only half the story

Commentary surrounding both proposed and existing cycleways in Christchurch typically turns its attention to just how many people either currently use or will use a certain cycleway. In amongst those conversations, there are often arguments along these lines:

  • Who is

Flashback Friday: A Ride around Town – The Old and the New

It’s easy sometimes to get a bit pessimistic or frustrated as we wait for the next bit of the rebuild in the city to take place – when exactly will we see that sports stadium? But sometimes it’s also useful

Flashback Friday: Where would you like some Separator Posts?

Long before separated cycleways were commonplace around Christchurch, one way to improve the level of comfort with existing painted cycle lanes was to add some occasional vertical posts to keep errant motorists at bay. Even now, this relatively low-cost measure

Flashback Friday – Census: Cycling on the Rise in Christchurch

Change in cycling usage doesn’t happen overnight, but we do need ways to monitor it. And while continuous count sites are one useful gauge of such change, they don’t capture all the cycling trips out there (e.g. my normal commute

Flashback Friday: Learning from Ilam Road

One of the things I realised when I was in The Netherlands a few years back was that their great cycle infrastructure hadn’t happened overnight – it had been a series of gradual improvements as lessons had been learned from

Flashback Friday: How did a 50-year-old get back into cycling?

As someone who is veering rather close to his 50th birthday soon, I am glad that I have activities like biking to help keep me in good shape as I get older. I’ve been biking essentially most of my adult

Flashback Friday – Wanted: New Bloggers and Guest Posts

Ever since we started this website 8 years ago, this seems like a regular call to arms – please help to share your cycling experiences! As other focuses and priorities get in my life, churning out yet another blogpost for