I’m sure this could become an internationally acclaimed event whose popularity rivals the Tour De France. How many banana boxes can you fit on one pedal powered vehicle and keep them there while cycling for three kilometers over potholed road …
Category: Cycle-centric ideas
Bright ideas about cycling
ICECycles free bike workshop a success
The ninth Inner City East Cycles (ICECycles) free bike maintenance workshop went very well on Saturday 21 July at Delta Community house. The team of volunteers repaired 57 bikes and gave away 17 bikes to appreciative attendees, bringing the total …
Cycling Missing in the Neighbourhoods
“Suburban Nation – The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream”
Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck
10th Anniversary Edition
North Point Press 2010
Suburban Nation is three architects’ vision for how our burgeoning population can …
The new old
Could this be a good idea for the rebuild?
By MANIFESTO Architecture P.C.
…The Bike Hanger is an essential facility for the city of Seoul which aims to increase its bicycle-friendliness. The facility is not only low-maintenance and environmentally friendly,
What can we Learn from Vancouver?
Nearly three years ago, our mayor Bob Parker went on a fact-finding visit to America’s “Pacific Northwest” to check out public transport in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver. The light rail debate continues to rage on back in here …
I miss the old Christchurch *sigh*
Its been 15 months since the big Quake and the council and the heritage people are still debating whether to fix or replace the Antigua Boatshed Bridge – and find money to do it. Needless to say, if it had …
Cycling in Christchurch launched!
The launching of Cycling in Christchurch has been one of those thoughts, with a ‘good idea’ tag, that has lurked around in the depths of my brain for a while. Then the other day a few stars aligned and I …