Flashback Friday: Public Bikes for Christchurch?

With all the car/bike/scooter sharing schemes available these days (partly thanks to clever apps on our smartphones), it’s hard to remind ourselves that only a few years ago these were all pie-in-the-sky ideas, certainly in NZ. As reported back in

Biketober 2019 is Here!

It’s about that time when I usually preview what’s coming up biking-wise over the coming month. However, when that particular month is October then it’s no ordinary month – it’s Biketober! Yes, for the third year running, you’re in …

Flashback Friday: Eastern Visions

The battle cry “what about fixing the East?” has been a constant in recent years since the earthquakes. While a lot of it seems focused on the state of the roads (despite over $1.2 billion having already been spent on

Flashback Friday: Going our separate ways…

They might be rather commonplace now around Christchurch, but seven years ago there weren’t too many separated cycleways of any form (Tennyson St being the notable exception). But trials were starting of simple forms of separator like posts and low-rise

Flashback Friday: Is cycling a part of the new Central City Plan?

It’s almost hard to believe that it was seven years ago when we were pondering how to rebuild our transport networks in Christchurch after the earthquakes. Christchurch City Council had a go first, but then the Govt Agency CERA took

Flashback Friday: Cycling in the News

Here at Cycling in Christchurch we like to keep you up to date on the latest topical happenings cycle-wise around our city (please let us know if you have some interesting gossip we have missed!). Sometimes we do that by

Flashback Friday: Vancouver Neighbourhood Greenways

Christchurch now has a  number of “neighbourhood greenway” cycle routes, but I first encountered them in Oregon (Portland and Eugene) and subsequently Seattle and Vancouver. They’re not like conventional cycleways, where there is some kind of marked lane or separated

Have your Say: A new cycle connection to Waimak

Previously we mentioned the progress being made to (finally…) provide a safe cycle crossing of the Waimakariri River as part of the Northern Motorway works. This new link then opens up the possibility of connecting Kaiapoi, Rangiora and further north …

Flashback Friday: Vancouver Separated Bikeways

“Cycling in Chch” has always looked elsewhere for inspiring ideas that could apply here. I’ve been lucky that my work has allowed me to travel to many interesting places around the world (although these days, it’s more likely to be

New Central City cycling projects aim to fix the little things

By now we were meant to be enjoying an enlarged public bike-share scheme around the city; instead we have none (but plenty of e-scooters…). The story behind that is for another day, but at least there is a silver …