Flashback Friday – Book Review: Everyday Cycling in Aotearoa NZ

Every now and then an interesting local cycling book comes along, so we like to review them and let you know whether they are worth reading (short answer: they generally are!). Our first review, back in Dec 2012 was this

Cycling in Chch 2019: More bikeways, more bikes, more bother…

It’s almost the end of another year so, as we get to enjoy our various festivities, let’s take a gander back over what happened in 2019…

Back at the end of 2018, we were musing about the continuing growth …

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Westburn Reserve Bike Park

Of all the blog-posts we have published over the years, consistently the most popular is the one I wrote back in Dec 2012 about the Westburn Reserve bike park. Back when my kids were younger (as featured in this article),

Flashback Friday: The 1000-Day Challenge

When we think about how long it is taking to deliver the much promised convention centre, multi-use arena/stadium, and metro sports centre (to say nothing of inner-city housing), getting things done here in a three-year timeframe seems

New Census travel stats out for Christchurch – cycling up… or down?

It seems like forever since the 2018 Census was held; thanks to the myriad of issues encountered when an unusually large proportion of people failed to complete it, we have been waiting a long time for any semi-useful information.

As …

Flashback Friday: Maintenance – Who Ya Gonna Call…?

Here at Cycling in Chch, we like to be useful as well as just fun and topical. Which is why I like to create blogposts that try to provide helpful advice for all the little things that can create headaches

Flashback Friday: Will Christchurch be an Accessible City for Cycling?

If you think about all of the features of the new central city (including the “controversial” ones like St Asaph St and the 30km/h speed limit…), then they had their genesis in a transport plan released seven years ago by

Flashback Friday: Is cycling really cared about in this city?

The tragic events of last week on the outskirts of town and the subsequent suggestions of poor cycle-friendly safety practices can make it feel like the world is very much against you when on your bike. It’s a theme that

Photo of the Day: New Central City Bike Parking

It is a truism the world over that there never is enough bike parking (motorists might argue that there is never enough car parking either, but that’s another discussion…). Whether you’re in Amsterdam or Auckland, Copenhagen or Christchurch any …

Flashback Friday: Googling your Way around Town by Bike

These days, using your smart device for wayfinding seems almost second-nature to many, even when on a bike. But seven years ago, it was pretty cool when the traditionally car-centric Google Maps first provided directions for biking around Christchurch (albeit