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Hey world, have you heard of Christchurch?!

We all love a bit of healthy rivalry, whether it’s which is the bigger “second city” in NZ or even which is the “shittest town in NZ”. Bike-friendliness is another metric by which many people seek to answer “where

Flashback Friday – Mythbusting: The business benefits of bikeways

It’s that time of the year when everyone is getting a bit busier doing their final arrangements for Christmas gifts and gatherings as well as also enjoying various parties and other end-of-year celebrations. For retail and hospitality businesses that can

Flashback Friday – Mythbusting: What a Safe Passing Rule Means

It was eight years ago now since I was involved in the national Cycle Safety Panel that made various recommendations to government, including a number of Rule and policy changes. One of them that got a bit of attention was

Flashback Friday: Where would you like some bike parking?

The recent consultation about the streets around Te Kaha highlighted a key question in my mind of just how much bike parking they expect to need for visitors to the new stadium (spoiler: I’m not convinced they’ve provided enough…). Elsewhere

Lots of safer speed street consultations out for review

We’ve mentioned before the importance of lower speed limits for improved encouragement and safety of active modes like walking and cycling. Around the country, we’re starting to see more of this happening, especially on the back of the new 2022 …

Flashback Friday: Progress on Cycle Safety Panel Recommendations

It hasn’t be a great year for cycling safety in NZ, with a larger than average number of road deaths to date. While there is sadly an element of randomness about whether some crashes become fatal or not, it has

Flashback Friday: Coastal Pathway makes further progress

Anyone who has been out towards Sumner lately may have noticed the work underway to finish up the last bits of the Coastal Pathway, both through Moncks Bay and also connecting with the Rapanui-Shag Rock cycleway at Ferrymead.

Flashback Friday: Help us out – Where can you bike in your suburb?

Work and life in general has been rather busy lately, making it difficult to get many new Cycling in Chch posts out the door – sorry about that; hopefully rectified in the near future. Another item on my to-do list

Flashback Friday: How do you make your bike commute more interesting?

With the shift to a new house nearly a year ago, my commute to work changed. However, I don’t always takes the same route to or from there; sometimes due to the traffic at different times, sometimes to get in

Flashback Friday: Inside the new Bus Interchange – What’s in it for Cycling

On my fairly regular trips out of town I often use a bike-bus combo to get to and from the airport. The central Bus Interchange is a great facility to join the dots here and they really did do a