Flashback Friday: Thoughts from Velo-City Global 2014 Adelaide

It’s hard to picture while Covid currently rages across Australia, but back in 2014 hundreds of people from around the globe descended on Adelaide to take part in the first instance of a global cycling conference happening down under.

Photo of the Day: Grocery Shopping by Bike

Apparently in many people’s minds, biking is still something you can only do recreationally “for fun” (some people still tellingly refer to it only as a “sport” or “hobby”…). And as for doing something practical like shopping – …

ECan Forgets about Bicycles

ECan’s Annual Plan is up for consultation until 25 March.

Spokes Canterbury has their draft sub up for those with an interest. http://www.spokes.org.nz/2020/03/ecan-annual-plan-2020/

With the new elected ECan Board there is the chance to get cycling back into their consciousness. …

Flashback Friday – Book Review: Everyday Cycling in Aotearoa NZ

Every now and then an interesting local cycling book comes along, so we like to review them and let you know whether they are worth reading (short answer: they generally are!). Our first review, back in Dec 2012 was this

Christchurch Annual Plan – the Numbers don’t match the Intent or the Need

Submissions due 1 April – link below

It is truly great that Council is committed to speeding up delivery of the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s. Be sure to let Council know you support the MCR’s. A careful look at the …

Photo of the Day: East Frame Pump Track

There’s a lot going on in town these days; it’s great to see it all coming together. New buildings are popping up; we’re getting nice new spaces like the Oxford Promenade, and fun events like the Bread & Circus

Guest Post: Edgeware Village – Strength to Strength

Guest blogger Robert has some thoughts about his local…

Can the injection of a cycleway help revitalise a Village that keeps on keeping on?

Like most small suburban centres in any New Zealand city, life has been tough for Edgeware