Highlights from #2WALKandCYCLE Conference Auckland

As mentioned recently, I attended the 2WALKand CYCLE Conference in Auckland last week. About 260 people took part and there were over 90 different presentations, which are now available on the website (some also have papers as well). If …

Guest Post: Statistics, Dollars, and the Intangible (Priceless) Benefits of Cycling

Guest blogger Robert has a look at his wallet (and a few other measures) this week:

It was good to see the recent post from Lennyboy sharing the reports of an increase in numbers of cycles using the shared Hagley …

Photo of the Day: Xmas Shopping by Bike

‘Tis the season, and everyone is frantically rushing around getting their festive goodies. That tends to mean that traffic and parking get a bit crazy, which duly gets reported in the media (not that it’s really “news” if it happens …

Mythbusting: The business benefits of bikeways

With the new Major Cycleways coming to Christchurch, a major trade-off in many locations will be the removal of on-street car-parking (either on one side or both) to provide enough space for separated bikeways. Already we are seeing some concerns …

Do the economics of Chch’s cycleways stack up?

Earlier this year, we brought you information about the economic assessment done of the Major Cycleway Programme by external consultant transport modellers QTP. Although many conservative assumptions were made, the total benefits were still considerably higher than than the $160m …

Guest Post: Cycling and making sense of life

Another guest post by Robyn M Speed

Sometimes life is like biking into a never-ending headwind. Sometimes life is happening so fast and out of control that it’s like flying downhill, both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

The …

Show me the money – The Economics of Cycleways

Spending any significant sum of money by the City Council tends to attract the scrutiny of some ratepayers, especially if they’re dubious about the benefits to be gleaned from the investment. We’ve seen some of that with the planned expenditure …

Thoughts from Velo-City Global 2014 Adelaide #vcg14

Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …

Book Review: Everyday Cycling in Aotearoa New Zealand

by Alastair Smith (185pp., Awa Press, Wellington, RRP $35)

Here’s something that might be handy as a Xmas stocking-filler!

Over the years I have collected a variety of books on cycling for transport and urban cycle commuting. Invariably they …