What do Cyclists want?

What do Cyclists want?

It depends on who you ask. People have differing opinions on what they want, in part dependent upon their own skills and experience.

While it is not at all clear just what improvements in cycling infrastructure …

What if… cycling was (already) safer than driving? Wed 12th Sep

The University of Canterbury has been running a series of “What If Wednesdays” public lectures, showcasing a number of thought-provoking and topical issues that its academics have been working on. As part of its Eco-Week for 2012, Prof Simon Kingham

Christchurch City of Cycles?

Thanks to Spokes Canterbury for giving us a rundown on the draft Christchurch Transport Plan (CTP). http://spokes.org.nz/submission/2012/ccc-draft-christchurch-transport-plan

There are lots of illustrations and a clear explanation of why walking and cycling, Active Transport (AT) make sense economically, socially and practically. …

What can we Learn from Vancouver?

Nearly three years ago, our mayor Bob Parker went on a fact-finding visit to America’s “Pacific Northwest” to check out public transport in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver. The light rail debate continues to rage on back in here …