Flashback Friday: Snow chains on bikes

Steven Muir has been a regular contributor to “Cycling in Chch” since the start. Many will be familiar with his numerous inventive cycling accessories, a lot of them captured on his cycletrailers.co.nz website. It’s hard to believe now, given that

Guest Post: Nobody Rides Bikes in Winter! Right?

Chris Morahan, over at Talking Transport, has been musing about the cycleway count stats for Chch…:

Recently somebody said to me something to the effect of:

“we shouldn’t be building cycleways because even if they’re OK in summer, nobody

Guest Post: 10 things I’ve learned from cycling in Christchurch

Here’s some great insights from Evan O’Donoghue of the City Church of Christchurch (original post):

I ride a total of 20km to and from work every day – rain, hail or shine. That’s about 4,600km a year, or

Cycling and Snow: It’s the Little Details

The big thaw is now underway in Christchurch, and it’s time to go back to work as well. So off on my trusty steed I headed this morning. Cycling after a snowfall is “interesting” because of the potential ice hazard …