Guest Post: Lockdown Latest – The Family Bike Bubble

8/04/2020 Stuff National:

“Data of weekly traffic flows in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton and Dunedin shows that, compared to the previous year, traffic is down between 74 and 82 per cent.” 

10/04/2020, Smartview Christchurch:

  • Rutland Reserve Cycle Counter

Cycling in Chch 2019: More bikeways, more bikes, more bother…

It’s almost the end of another year so, as we get to enjoy our various festivities, let’s take a gander back over what happened in 2019…

Back at the end of 2018, we were musing about the continuing growth …

New Census travel stats out for Christchurch – cycling up… or down?

It seems like forever since the 2018 Census was held; thanks to the myriad of issues encountered when an unusually large proportion of people failed to complete it, we have been waiting a long time for any semi-useful information.

As …

Guest Post: Are Cycleways Really that Controversial?

This post was originally written by Chris on Talking Transport:

There’s a perception in some circles that the Christchurch cycleways are extremely controversial. Many mainstream media articles that mention them end up attracting screeds of negative comments – examples …

Guest Post: Nobody Rides Bikes in Winter! Right?

Chris Morahan, over at Talking Transport, has been musing about the cycleway count stats for Chch…:

Recently somebody said to me something to the effect of:

“we shouldn’t be building cycleways because even if they’re OK in summer, nobody

Guest Post: Are the Demographics of Cyclists Changing?

Chris from Talking Transport takes a look at who’s cycling:

Up till quite recently, if you saw someone riding a bike in Christchurch there would have been a pretty good chance they would have been a male, aged 18-45, athletic, …

Cycling in Chch 2018: when bikes were counted and countered

I hope you are all enjoying a nice summer break (or if you’re one of the unlucky ones who has to work, then I hope you get a great break later!). As another year draws to a close, it’s …

Guest Post: Is cycling just for Rich People?

There’s a brand new blogsite, Talking Transport, dedicated to all things transport around Christchurch. We’re looking forward to seeing some really interesting conversations there! Here’s a recent article posted there by website creator Chris:

My colleague came back from …

Yes, there are people who cycle in Christchurch – plenty!

Anytime that cycleways are discussed around Christchurch, it doesn’t take long before someone pipes up and claims that they never see any (or many) people using the new or previous cycleways. I always wonder just when, where and how they …