Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Cycle Counter Display

Last week we celebrated the notable milestone of the half-millionth bike traversing the Antigua Boatshed bridge cycle counter. Let’s look back to when it was first installed over six years ago, as reported in this blog post from June 2018

What’s the Future for Transport in Christchurch? Have your say…

Transport invariably seems to be a contentious topic in the public eye, with many views on different ways to address the various impacts associated with it. Beyond the short-term issues that focus people’s attention, long-term transport planning is needed to …

The Long, Long, Long Journey of the Wheels to Wings Cycleway is ready for another twist…

I’d like to invite you to cast your mind way back to mid-2009 Spurred on by some concerns from nearby school children about cycling to school, consultation was undertaken on a proposal to add cycle lanes to Harewood …

Flashback Friday: A complete cycling network for 34 cents a year

About six weeks ago, the Govt’s National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) came out and currently Councils around the country are grappling with its implications for their funding plans, especially when it comes to road safety and sustainable transport projects –

Flashback Friday: Where else should we count bike numbers?

There has been an interesting conversation going around Spokes Canterbury lately about the potential for extra cycle counters across Christchurch in new locations. There is of course a cost to installing (and maintaining) any new permanent cycle counters; fortunately there

Flashback Friday – First Look: Rolleston Ave / Park Tce Cycleway

Tonight was the latest annual Winter Solstice Ride around North Hagley Park and nearly 200 punters (and all their lights/bling…) turned up for a fun cruise around! The first section of the ride took in part of the pop-up cycleway

Flashback Friday: Christchurch wins big at 2018 Bike to the Future awards

I’ll continue the Palmerston North theme of late, by mentioning one of the successful outcomes from the 2018 2WALKandCYCLE Conference there – a couple of big award wins for Christchurch-based projects, as first reported back in Aug 2018. The

Flashback Friday: Council Long Term Plan brings some good cycleway news

In case you haven’t noticed; the Chch City Council is currently consulting on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan (with feedback due Sun 21st Apr). This important exercise every three years sets out the key priorities for the various Council activities,

Flashback Friday: New Central City cycling projects aim to fix the little things…?

Summer is a great time to be enjoying activities in the central city, and it’s definitely easier to do that by bike – no traffic or parking hassles. It’s always nice though when there are even more little touches

Cycling in Chch 2023 in Review: The Good, the Bad, the in-Between

And just like that, another year is over and we ponder what has happened since we last reviewed the state of cycling Chch at the end of 2022 – suffice to say that it seems like a mix of things……

New Chch 2023 Cycle Map Now Available

One of the recent little promotional initiatives that quietly popped up during Biketober was the latest release of Christchurch City Council’s Bike Map. Roughly 2 years since its last update, the newest version boasts info about some of the …

Flashback Friday: Do cycleways = extravagance?

Christchurch City Council is starting conversations about their updated Long Term Plan, and already there have been some rumblings about possible financial struggles. Predictably, cycleways are one of the possible candidates for the chopping block, although I’d be

Christchurch Speed Mngmt Plan promises good things for Cycling

It doesn’t seem that long ago that Christchurch oversaw a whole raft of suburban lower speed limits, proposing 30 and 40 km/h streets to many of our neighbourhoods and school zones. Those new speed limits are hitting the streets