Flashback Friday – Biking to Events: Summer 2023 Progress Report

While some of us are still pottering around on work today, tens of thousands will be descending upon North Hagley for the two-day (Fri-Sat) Electric Avenue music festival. Judging by the information on their website, I fear that (once

Flashback Friday – #2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson

Last weekend I was up in Nelson for a wedding; while there, we also took the opportunity to do a bit more socialising and checking out the Nelson-Richmond district. Not surprisingly, we saw plenty of people biking while there as

Flashback Friday: National’s Transport Dystopia

Any day now, we should be getting news of the finalised National Land Transport Programme, which will then inform Councils about what projects they will get funding subsidy for. Not that we should be getting our hopes up too

Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Grocery Shopping by Bike

Bike parking is on my mind at the moment. Last night we went to a concert and some pubs in town and, despite the chilly night, biked there and back. There was some pretty good bike parking at some venues,

Flashback Friday Photo of the Day: Playcentre Bike Parking

The other day while riding to work, I saw a Dad riding in front of me with two youngsters sitting behind him on his long bike, presumably heading off to drop them at school. Increasingly, that is not an uncommon

Flashback Friday: New Central City cycling projects aim to fix the little things…?

Summer is a great time to be enjoying activities in the central city, and it’s definitely easier to do that by bike – no traffic or parking hassles. It’s always nice though when there are even more little touches

Cycling in Chch 2023 in Review: The Good, the Bad, the in-Between

And just like that, another year is over and we ponder what has happened since we last reviewed the state of cycling Chch at the end of 2022 – suffice to say that it seems like a mix of things……

Flashback Friday: Cycling in London – More Pictures

Currently I’m working on a couple of interesting and somewhat related projects. One is some research looking at how ways to reallocate road-space (e.g. remove a traffic lane for a cycleway…) can reduce vehicle-kms travelled. The other is to

Flashback Friday: Münster – Germany does Cycling too

Earlier this week, I ran another Cycle Planning & Design industry course here in Christchurch. While increasingly it showcases some of the good practice cycling to be seen around NZ, we also include a few  nice examples from overseas where