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Googling your Way around Town by Bike

An interesting development was added to everybody’s favourite mapping service Google Maps in the past month. NZ’ers can now experience getting directions for cycling, which will make use of any handy cycling shortcuts such as off-road paths. Viewers can also …

Electric Bikes. Even more reason for good cycling infrastructure

When it comes to publicity about electric power in the transport sector it seems that electric cars get all the kudos.  The era of electric cars is apparently just round the corner.  Electric bikes get so little coverage there must …

Cycle paths – important for keeping our aging population fit and well?

Separated cycle paths are an important part of a cycle network because they can help people get the cycling bug and to build their confidence to cycle and to manage in traffic.

My mother (currently in her mid 70s)  had …

How do we make the new Christchurch cycle-friendly? Fri 14th Sep

An interesting opportunity coming up to see some cycling inspiration both close to home and from around the world: To wrap up the University of Canterbury’s 2012 Eco Week  activities there will be a “double feature” on campus next Friday …

What do Cyclists want?

What do Cyclists want?

It depends on who you ask. People have differing opinions on what they want, in part dependent upon their own skills and experience.

While it is not at all clear just what improvements in cycling infrastructure …

What if… cycling was (already) safer than driving? Wed 12th Sep

The University of Canterbury has been running a series of “What If Wednesdays” public lectures, showcasing a number of thought-provoking and topical issues that its academics have been working on. As part of its Eco-Week for 2012, Prof Simon Kingham

Public Bikes for Christchurch?

An interesting news item in The Press on Thursday about a young entrepreneur looking to introduce public bikes to Christchurch. Bicycle Ventures director Robert Henderson has partnered with fellow public bike scheme Nextbike in Auckland, and already has trials …

Eastern Visions

With all the fuss recently about proposed plans for the Central City, many people have quite rightly asked what about plans for east Christchurch where much of the worst quake damage occurred. There is a lot of infrastructure (including …