Anyone who has been around the southern part of the central city lately can’t help but notice the road construction work along St Asaph St. A key part of this street reconstruction is the creation of a westbound one-way cycleway…
Category: Photo of the Day
One-off photo posts that briefly capture a small aspect of cycling in Christchurch
Guest Photo of the Day: Helmores Lane Bridge
Regular contributor Robert has provided today’s photo – we welcome other photographic contributions!
With all the focus on the Major Cycleways, sometimes it’s easy to forget the little wins. Most people’s cycle journeys will extend beyond a fancy cycleway …
Photo of the Day: Central City Sharrows
The rebuild continues apace in the central city, and that includes the Accessible City transport plans. While some of that includes separated cycle facilities like those seen on Tuam St and south Colombo St, other parts rely on traffic-calmed …
Photo of the Day: Hook Turn Signs
Although we’ve had hook turn boxes at intersections in Christchurch for a few years, it may not always be obvious on approach that they’re there for your use. So a new advance information sign has now been approved in New …
Photo of the Day: Chch Adventure Park Progress
While we bemoan how long it takes to build things like a conference centre (or at least do something with the Cathedral…), it’s great to see that the exciting new mountain-bike adventure park in the Port Hills is continuing …
Photo of the Day: Quay St Cycleway, Auckland
It’s been a while between posts; apologies for that. I’ve been up in Auckland attending the 2WALKandCYCLE Conference and my spare time seems to have been filled with either socialising or preparing presentations. More on the conference and a few …
Photo of the Day (Night): Winter Solstice Ride 2016
Another year, another great turn-out for this year’s Winter Solstice Bike Ride. People young and old converged on North Hagley Park at the end of Tuesday to show off their bike bling and go for a fun ride…
About …
Photo of the Day: Uni-Cycle Path by Boys High
A couple of weeks back we showed you the progress being made in North Hagley Park to widen the existing pathway as part of the upgraded Uni-Cycle Major Cycleway Route. They’re still working to complete that one, but one bit …
Photo of the Day: North Hagley Pathway Works
The fine weather over the past couple of months has allowed contractors to make excellent progress on the Uni-Cycle pathway improvements from North Hagley Park to Riccarton Bush. The alleyway pathway beside Boys High has been dramatically widened, and a …
Photo of the Day: Anzac Day Bike Parking
Like many keen souls, I was up fairly early last Monday morning to go and attend the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Cranmer Square. Knowing that car parking would be a nightmare (I saw people walking in from over a …
Photo of the Day: Central City 30km/h
The last two weeks have been a little bit frustrating as we have been trying to get our website onto a new site and make a few layout changes as well. There’s still some layout tweaks to go, but at …
The last two weeks have been a little bit frustrating as we have been trying to get our website onto a new site and make a few layout changes as well. There’s still some layout tweaks to go, but at …
Photo of the Day: Auckland Pathways
If you’ve been wondering about the “radio silence” lately, it’s because I’ve been up in Auckland since Sunday attending the IPENZ Transportation Conference. Lots of interesting presentations that I can report on later, but I also took the opportunity …
Photo(s) of the Day: Worcester Boulevard
Today’s photo is actually a before-and-after of what could be: Worcester Boulevard is a great central city connection between Cathedral Square and Hagley Park via the City Council, Art Gallery, Arts Centre, and so on. It’s very popular for pedestrians, …
Photo of the Day: Hagley Park Path Works
We’ve had the odd grumble in the past about contractors not thinking about bikes when doing works, and there’s still plenty of recent examples for them to work on. So it was rather a surprise last week when riding through …
Photo of the Day: Matai Cycleway Rail Crossing
It’s great to see the new Matai St East cycleway, now mirroring the older cycleway on Matai St West. As you heard recently, already it looks like it is a popular route for cyclists. But perhaps the price …
Photo of the Day: Cycleways and Rubbish Day
Tennyson St is the grand-daddy of separated cycleways in Christchurch; it’s been around for well over a decade. So it pre-dates the introduction of the kerbside wheelie-bin rubbish and recycling scheme a few years back. I love this scheme; it’s …
Photo of the Day: Rolleston Ave Shared Path
One of the more popular places to ride a bike in Christchurch is along Rolleston Ave in front of Christ’s College, Canterbury Museum and the Botanic Gardens. This section of shared pathway (mostly 3m wide) provides a useful connection to/from …
Photo of the Day: Xmas Shopping by Bike
‘Tis the season, and everyone is frantically rushing around getting their festive goodies. That tends to mean that traffic and parking get a bit crazy, which duly gets reported in the media (not that it’s really “news” if it happens …
Photo of the Day: More new Cycle Lane Separators
We’ve waxed lyrical before about the simple tool of putting in some separator posts to keep motorists out of cycle lanes. They work just fine… when they’re there. But the new ones along Kahu Rd / Kotare St were slowly …
Photo of the Day: Cycle Lanes vs Parking
Given the recent fuss about cyclists stealing parking spaces, perhaps we should be reminded that often it’s the other way around. Memo to road designers and operations staff: if you’re going to fit a parking lane inside a cycle …