See the Person – Share the Road

In amongst the feeding frenzy regarding cycle safety last week, the NZ Transport Agency released a new advertising campaign encouraging motorists to better share the road with people cycling. The campaign is designed “to personalise and humanise people cycling so

Guest Post: How did a 50-year-old get back into cycling?

Here’s another guest blog, this time by a recent convert to riding, Robyn M. Speed:

I blame my son, Andy.

It’s a bit unfair to blame him really, when it all came about because he crashed his bike on the …

Hidden Treasures: Westburn Reserve Bike Park

Merry Christmas! I hope Santa got you the bike-friendly gift you were after. If Junior has got a new bike they’re probably raring to try it out somewhere. There are various parks and tracks around Christchurch where they can have …

Hidden Treasures: Kendal School Bike Track

Tucked away in northwest Christchurch is a unique cycle facility that could be the model for others in the city. Kendal School, a small primary school in Burnside, has constructed a 600m cycle track around its periphery. This provides its …

ICECycles free bike maintenance workshop Nov 10

ICECycles Free bike maintenance workshop with fun bikes from Pedal Mania.

Saturday 10 November 1-4pm at Richmond School, Pavitt Street. Phone Jenny: 379 5134, or Jonathon 389 4227 or Steve 021 0619296, email:

Come along and get your …

Are you “Interested but Concerned”?

When trying to encourage more people to cycle, it’s helpful to “know your audience”. There’s an interesting theory that was developed in Portland, Oregon, to help understand who might want to cycle for transportation. Its intuitive logic has been so …

How do we make the new Christchurch cycle-friendly? Fri 14th Sep

An interesting opportunity coming up to see some cycling inspiration both close to home and from around the world: To wrap up the University of Canterbury’s 2012 Eco Week  activities there will be a “double feature” on campus next Friday …

Public Bikes for Christchurch?

An interesting news item in The Press on Thursday about a young entrepreneur looking to introduce public bikes to Christchurch. Bicycle Ventures director Robert Henderson has partnered with fellow public bike scheme Nextbike in Auckland, and already has trials …