The blog posts have been a bit sparse of late; that’s because I have just spent the past week in Washington DC for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, a huge transportation conference of 14,000 (!) people (and …
Category: Cycle infrastructure
Cycle paths, networks, traffic lights, racks etc.
Photo of the Day: Avon River Precinct path
One of the rebuild projects slowly taking shape in the central city is the Avon River Precinct. Already we’re seeing some really nice urban spaces around the Worcester-Cashel section of Oxford Tce. What’s not so clear yet is just …
Cycling in Christchurch 2016 – The cycling city continues to build
“Rebuild” – that term seems to have been in the local lexicon ever since the 2010-11 Canterbury earthquakes. And yet, more than ever, 2016 really felt like a year when the rebuild really was in full swing across Christchurch. I’ve …
All aboard the Heathcote Expressway consultation
It’s been a busy couple of months in terms of Major Cycleway consultations. So far we’ve seen three planned routes rolled out for public feedback, and there’s one more to squeeze in before Christmas – the Heathcote Expressway. Originally, …
Guest Photo of the Day: Playcentre Bike Parking
A good sign that cycling is becoming normalised in Christchurch is when it’s not just the clichéd “lycra road warriors” to be seen riding to work or for exercise. So it was nice to receive this photo from …
Guest Post: One Ride, Two Cycleways, Many Options
Guest blogger Robert contemplates a Sunday well spent…
It was billed as a Spokes Submission ride on Sunday Dec 11th to check out details for the currently consulted Heathcote Expressway and Rapanui-Shag Rock (Stage 2-3) Cycleways (described as a leisurely …
Heathcote Expressway Major Cycle Route (MCR)
Another long awaited MCR is now up for consultation
Submissions due in by 4pm 23 December. The link takes you to the online maps and submission form, which is best used to make sure you tick their boxes but, …
Rapanui / Shag Rock cycleway consultation continues
The consultation season continues with another Major Cycleway out for consideration. While work is underway to start constructing Stage 1 of the Rapanui / Shag-Rock cycleway, plans for Stages 2 & 3 are now publicly available. This takes …
Cycling postcards from Tauranga
Last week I spent the week in Tauranga while attending the TRAFINZ Conference, focused around local authority transport. Staying on for the weekend, I was able to have a good look around the city (which I hadn’t visited in …
Lessons from the Dutch – @Cycling_Embassy Take 2
Three years ago, Christchurch was graced by the visit of two Dutch cycling experts, courtesy of the Dutch Cycling Embassy, who provided lots of useful advice regarding our (then) planning for the Major Cycleway network. Last week, another …
Northern Line Cycleway consultation
Hot on the heels of the Quarryman’s Trail cycleway consultation, another Major Cycle Route is also currently seeking public feedback. The Northern Line cycleway will take the existing much-loved Railway Cycleway and extend it further north and south, all …
Cycling insights from North America
One of my colleagues, Megan Fowler, has just returned from a five-week study tour of North American cities, courtesy of an IPENZ Transportation Group Study Award.
Megan’s focus during her tour was to look at how cycling is catered …
Quarryman’s Trail consultation out now
As we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, there are now a number of cycleway projects under construction or out for consultation. One of those in the latter group is the Quarryman’s Trail, stretching from central city all …
Photo of the Day: St Asaph Cycleway
Anyone who has been around the southern part of the central city lately can’t help but notice the road construction work along St Asaph St. A key part of this street reconstruction is the creation of a westbound one-way cycleway…
Hidden Treasures: Chch Northern Railway Cycleway
Long before the Major Cycleways were even a consideration, the Railway Cycleway was Christchurch’s original separated cycleway. Following the northern rail corridor, it provides an almost uninterrupted riding experience from Riccarton to Northcote.
The Christchurch Railway Cycleway was developed in …
Guest Photo of the Day: Helmores Lane Bridge
Regular contributor Robert has provided today’s photo – we welcome other photographic contributions!
With all the focus on the Major Cycleways, sometimes it’s easy to forget the little wins. Most people’s cycle journeys will extend beyond a fancy cycleway …
Photo of the Day: Central City Sharrows
The rebuild continues apace in the central city, and that includes the Accessible City transport plans. While some of that includes separated cycle facilities like those seen on Tuam St and south Colombo St, other parts rely on traffic-calmed …
Guest Post: Trial by Jury
Here’s a timely guest post by Ian Chesterman – thanks Ian!
The debate around what to do with Victoria street has gone along typical lines, with the pro-biking/walking/public transport group predicting their preferred solution will usher in a utopian future, …
Victoria Street Denial
Once upon a time earthquakes shook up Christchurch. With the central city destroyed, Share an Idea seized on the opportunity to rebuild a city for people, a cycle friendly 21st century sustainable city. The broad community envisioned a creative …
Way out West – Are new developments cycle-friendly?
The growth in housing demand around Greater Christchurch has seen a lot of new subdivisions spring up, particularly on the periphery of the city. Areas that were farmland not too long ago are suddenly just another part of suburbia. We’ve …