Cycling in Chch 2018: when bikes were counted and countered

I hope you are all enjoying a nice summer break (or if you’re one of the unlucky ones who has to work, then I hope you get a great break later!). As another year draws to a close, it’s …

The Oxford Gap – Almost there

If the St Asaph Street upgrade could be described as the ‘flashpoint of debate’ for the Accessible City programme, then the Oxford Gap (Oxford Terrace from the Hospital Corner intersection to the junction with Antigua St linking into The …

The problem with cycleways and turning traffic

The new separated cycleways have given a dramatic transformation to our city cycling network. Lots of people are now enjoying these new connections around town. However, if there was one particular thing that is causing ongoing angst for all parties …

Photo of the Day: New cycleway crossings in town

It’s been a crazy-busy couple of weeks for me lately, hence the trickle of blog posts (lots of half-written draft ones coming one day…). In absence of a full-length post or two, here’s a quick look at one of the …

Our Space?

Our Space is Regenerate’s Urban Planning draft plan.


Submissions in by November 30 2018 Email submissions to

The Greater Christchurch Partnership, that’s Christchurch, Selwyn, Waimakariri, ECan and Ngai Tahu working through Regenerate, a successor to CERA have …

Photo(s) of the Day: Heathcote Expressway taking shape

The rollout of Major Cycle Routes continues apace, with construction currently underway of the first section of the Heathcote Expressway. Already there is a fair bit of progress on the section from Ferry Rd through Charleston and Woolston towards …

National Land Transport Programme has a bumper crop of cycleways

Every three years, the NZ Transport Agency prepares a National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) that summarises what is going to be spent by the Government and local councils on roads, pathways, public transport, etc. 2018 was the year for a …

Hidden Treasures: Knights Stream cycle skills park

Many families with young children have enjoyed developing their bike skills at Westburn Park in Burnside, where a playground mimicking a street network is available for kids to ride on. Now there is a second option in Christchurch for those …

Council, CDHB & Otakaro Undermine Safety or how to disadvantage everyone, waste millions and ignore the public’s best interests

For people on bikes getting to and through the central city remains challenging. There is the major north/south cycle route up Antigua Street. Tuam and St Asaph offered as compromised east/west routes connecting to the west via Oxford Tce and …

Cycleway and speed consultations underway

There’s a couple of current consultations by the City Council that are worth having a look at, as they have impacts on people cycling:

(1) Firstly, the central city 30km/h zone is planned to be extended south to take in …

New northern cycleway to Waimakariri coming

An exciting new development for cycling is about to start construction along the Christchurch Northern Motorway corridor. From the end of August, work will begin to construct additional lanes on the Waimakariri River motorway bridge. As well as two extra …

Photo of the Day: Quarryman’s Trail final link open

We previously showed you progress on other bits of the Quarryman’s Trail cycleway from town out towards Halswell. A lot of it has actually been complete for a while, particularly the first section along Antigua and Strickland Streets, which is …