As this post goes out, I will be winging my way over to Perth for a short holiday. It’s actually my first trip to Western Australia, so I’ll keep an eye out for any interesting cycling facilities while I’m over …
Tag: Signs & markings
Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Cycle Counter Display
Last week we celebrated the notable milestone of the half-millionth bike traversing the Antigua Boatshed bridge cycle counter. Let’s look back to when it was first installed over six years ago, as reported in this blog post from June 2018…
Flashback Friday – #2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson
Last weekend I was up in Nelson for a wedding; while there, we also took the opportunity to do a bit more socialising and checking out the Nelson-Richmond district. Not surprisingly, we saw plenty of people biking while there as …
Flashback Friday: Enschede – a pioneer for cycling
In my work, we’re about to start a really interesting project to hopefully trial some small low-level cycle signals at various cities around NZ. The inspiration for this is from several places in Europe that are already using these to …
Flashback Friday: Cycling projects around Wellington
As I mentioned last week, I missed attending the just-finished 2WALKandCYCLE Conference in Wellington, but I’m actually now up in our capital city for a little holiday. I guess you could call it a “busman’s holiday” as I’ll be …
Flashback Friday: A Regional Cycle Node Network
Greetings from somewhere down the Waitaki Valley! Yes, I’m currently busy biking the Alps2Ocean cycle trail; will give you a full rundown about it on my return. The A2O is part of a growing network of off-road and on-road …
Temporary Traffic Management for Cycling – Little Steps…
Happy New Year! I’m currently enjoying a bit of a break before getting back to work (if you can call still writing CiC blogs a “break”…). Thought I’d start the new year with a positive story that I’m starting …
Biking around Napier: Finding and losing yourself…
So I was up visiting Napier a few weeks ago (the Robbie Williams concert was great by the way…) and while up there, my partner and I took the opportunity to check out some of the cycleways around the city. …
Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Rolleston Ave Shared Path
Anyone who has recently been along Rolleston Ave near Canterbury Museum and Christ’s College will have noticed a bit of roadworks there. Due to the major refurbishment of the Museum over the next few years, they’ve had to shift the …
Flashback Friday: Cycling Postcards from Australia
A colleague of mine is about to go on a short holiday over to Byron Bay in Australia; another is planning a trip to Gold Coast in May. I’m also eyeing up a return across the Tasman later in the …
Flashback Friday – Photo of the Day: Matai Cycleway Rail Crossing
Someone asked the question the other day about what is happening to the South Express railway crossing near Old Blenheim Rd, which is currently still a tight maze layout. As with a number of crossing upgrades in Christchurch (e.g. the …
Flashback Friday Photo: More new Cycle Lane Separators
The Major Cycleway programme continues apace and that includes heaps of separated cycleways, off-road pathways and quiet neighbourhood greenways. But that shouldn’t overlook the role of the humble painted cycle lane to fill in some of the gaps cost-effectively. And …
Touring Chch Cycleways: the Good, the Bad, the Interesting
Happy New Year! One of the fun things I like to do in my spare time is to hop on my bike and go and explore some part of the city that I haven’t visited lately. Inevitably there are some …
Flashback Friday: Freiburg – Cycling and Sustainability
This week has seen a flurry of discussion locally by City Council about whether to release or not the draft future transport plan. In the end, the Council decided to publish the 30-year draft plan for the public to have …
Flashback Friday – Return to Chch: Cycle lane separators on curves
The growing concern about addressing climate change is seeing various people look at ways of rolling out infrastructure for cycling faster than the usual laboured full consultation/design/construct process (Harewood Road anyone?). Nationally that is meaning things like the Streets …
Flashback Friday – Cycling in Zürich: An uphill challenge
This week I have been spending time in Wellington, looking at some proposed cycleway routes and observing bike behaviour in our capital city. Although similar in size to Christchurch, Wellington suffers from having a lot of hills that limit the …
Flashback Friday: Cycling in Nantes and #VeloCity2015 Conference
Like many parts of the world, Europe is starting to attempt some semblance of post-lockdown normality (even despite the ongoing Covid infection numbers…). In the cycling world, that meant another recent Velo-City cycling conference two weeks ago, in Ljubljana, …
Flashback Friday: Another look at Auckland: Shared Paths
Another week, another out-of-town trip limiting my spare hours… This time, the work topic vexing my mind is shared paths (or not shared paths). We’ve touched on the question before and it’s an area of evolving best practice in New …
Flashback Friday: Study Abroad – First Stop: London
Remember that thing called overseas travel? Long before Covid, it was a thing apparently… And back in my previous university job it was a regular thing to visit places overseas to check out their transport systems (call it a busman’s …
Flashback Friday: Last stop Boston – and Reflections on US Cycling
As Covid omicron threatens to cause some mayhem across NZ, we often look with thanks that to date we seem to have avoided the worst outcomes as observed in places like the US. The US is an interesting place to …