Flashback Friday – Handy Tips: Playing Nice with Trucks and Buses

Large vehicles like trucks and buses continue to cause serious problems for people biking, so it’s important to respect them on the road. This article, originally from Aug 2013, gives some advice on how best to interact near heavy

Flashback Friday: New cycle training park in Bexley?

Talk earlier this week of a new cycle skills track happening at Somerfield School brings to mind other similar tracks around the city. Seven years ago, there was discussion about another one being proposed for Bexley; this article, originally from

Flashback Friday – Clever Cycling Stuff: Hook Turn Boxes

If you do get out and about on your bike over this Easter weekend, you might come across a few of these handy green boxes at intersections. Back in Mar 2013 when I originally posted this, hook turns were still

Flashback Friday – Book Review: Everyday Cycling in Aotearoa NZ

Every now and then an interesting local cycling book comes along, so we like to review them and let you know whether they are worth reading (short answer: they generally are!). Our first review, back in Dec 2012 was this

Flashback Friday – Hidden Treasures: Westburn Reserve Bike Park

Of all the blog-posts we have published over the years, consistently the most popular is the one I wrote back in Dec 2012 about the Westburn Reserve bike park. Back when my kids were younger (as featured in this article),

Biketober 2019 is Here!

It’s about that time when I usually preview what’s coming up biking-wise over the coming month. However, when that particular month is October then it’s no ordinary month – it’s Biketober! Yes, for the third year running, you’re in …

Cycling and the Law: Positioning yourself on the Road

OK, time to consider some of the nitty-gritty in the road rules when you’re riding, particularly when in the vicinity of other road users. We’ve previously covered the various places where you can/can’t ride, but it’s probably on the …

Review/Preview: Big Bike Film Night 2019

Last night, Christchurch played host to the 2019 Big Bike Film Night. Another fairly full Charles Luney Auditorium audience watched a diverse collection of eleven short films about all manner of biking. More on them in a moment…

If …