Submissions due 1 April – link below
It is truly great that Council is committed to speeding up delivery of the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s. Be sure to let Council know you support the MCR’s. A careful look at the …
It is truly great that Council is committed to speeding up delivery of the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s. Be sure to let Council know you support the MCR’s. A careful look at the …
Cycling in Chch reader Helen Leigh sent me a slightly harrowing story:
“I am an avid cyclist and have cycled for well over 10 years and have traversed much of the city. It was the first week in January this …
Here’s some great insights from Evan O’Donoghue of the City Church of Christchurch (original post):
I ride a total of 20km to and from work every day – rain, hail or shine. That’s about 4,600km a year, or
We’ve discussed in the past the potential for a rule specifying a minimum space for motorists when passing a bike rider (and all the myths surrounding such a law…). Now it looks more likely that the new Government may …
Hamish McNair tells us about an interesting project that you can be part of:
Sensibel promotes more efficient communication between you (the user) and decision makers responsible for cycle infrastructure. This is achieved by giving people who cycle the opportunity …
I have ridden up Dyers Pass a few times now that the speed limit has been lowered and the double yellow lines painted from Sign of the Takahe up to the Kiwi. My impression is that most cars slow down …
Recently, the City Council voted to reduce the speed limit along Dyers Pass Rd and to introduce double yellow no-passing lines along the route. This comes after many concerns about safety along this route over the Port Hills, including …
There are a couple of public surveys on cycling topics currently out for Christchurch residents to fill in. See below for the details:
{Disclosure: my company is involved in doing the analysis for both surveys}
Auckland researchers Michael Chieng, Hakkan Lai and Alistair Woodward have compared the risk of cycling with other common activities and found it to be relatively safe, so ask the good question ‘why is it perceived to be so dangerous’? The …
Here’s a guest post from Darren who’s been thinking about his regular commute:
There’s an ongoing debate around the world regarding delineation of modes:
Many people who cycle often express concern about their safety when riding, and typically point the finger at some of those dodgy drivers out there. Given that official crash data suggests that at least 2/3 of cycle crashes are the …
Around the outskirts of Christchurch, there are many “urban-fringe” roads that are popular both as recreational and commuting cycling routes. However, they are definitely not for the faint-hearted on a bike, because often they have some rather negligible shoulders provided …
I was made to feel like an irresponsible criminal yesterday. My crime? I wanted to carry 3 lengths of stainless steel home on my bike for my latest bike trailer project. It was around 10kg worth of material in 3m …
I’ve been involved in a few recent discussions with the City Council about current cycle safety issues in the city; it is of course an ongoing issue in the city. To help inform me, I thought I’d have a look …
Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year. As we head into 2016, it is time once again to reflect on what has been happening cycling-wise here in Christchurch over the past year. And what a year it has been…
As …
Since the Cycle Safety Panel report came out, there has been a lot of attention focused on one particular recommendation in it – introducing a mandatory minimum lateral clearance distance when passing someone riding a bike. As is often the …
In my overviews of looking around Europe, I noted that lower speed limits were prevalent virtually everywhere I went. Yet, in New Zealand we are still only taking a few hesitant baby steps towards similar environments. There are a …
There wasn’t a lot of fanfare, but just before last Christmas the final Cycle Safety Panel report was presented to the Government. You will recall that this came from the national group of experts convened by NZTA and the …
Thanks for all your feedback! This survey has now closed.
Following on from recent discussions with the Spreydon-Heathcote Community Board (and partly spurred on by the recent Alex Mann case), it looks like a workshop will be organised …
Last Wednesday saw the previously postponed Bus-Bike Workshop finally happen in Riccarton. Organised by the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN), this was an opportunity for some urban bus operators to join with some regular bike riders to compare notes and …