Flashback Friday: Would the Draft Cycle Safety Panel Recommendations make a Difference?

Seven years ago I was hugely involved in a significant exercise in the biking space: a national cycle safety panel. It was an amazing experience that led to the forging of many great ongoing connections with some talented people. More

Flashback Friday: How should we tackle Cycle Safety in NZ?

It’s been a tough past month safety-wise for cycling, with the tragic death of two people cycling, one in Auckland then one in Christchurch. That still only takes the total of cycle fatalities for the year to 4, but

Flashback Friday: Dealing with Cycling Safety in NZ

Concerns about the safety of cycling in NZ certainly haven’t disappeared in recent times, and sadly we still have a number of deaths and serious injuries occurring every year. Still, many of the current efforts in this space (including considerable

Flashback Friday: Christchurch’s Riskiest Intersections for Cycling?

Before the cycleway programme started getting rolled out in Chch, the local media didn’t really help things by regularly coming up with various “cycle safety” angles for news items. This article, originally from Apr 2013, is a case in

Christchurch Annual Plan – the Numbers don’t match the Intent or the Need

Submissions due 1 April – link below

It is truly great that Council is committed to speeding up delivery of the Major Cycle Routes, MCR’s. Be sure to let Council know you support the MCR’s. A careful look at the …

Guest Post: 10 things I’ve learned from cycling in Christchurch

Here’s some great insights from Evan O’Donoghue of the City Church of Christchurch (original post):

I ride a total of 20km to and from work every day – rain, hail or shine. That’s about 4,600km a year, or

Guest Post – Sensibel: What’s your experience of cycling?

Hamish McNair tells us about an interesting project that you can be part of:

Sensibel promotes more efficient communication between you (the user) and decision makers responsible for cycle infrastructure. This is achieved by giving people who cycle the opportunity …