Flashback Friday: Going our separate ways…

They might be rather commonplace now around Christchurch, but seven years ago there weren’t too many separated cycleways of any form (Tennyson St being the notable exception). But trials were starting of simple forms of separator like posts and low-rise

Community Board makes walking and cycling harder

Some may recall that a Council ‘professional traffic planner’ decided the best way to deal with congestion at the corner of Memorial and Greers was to get rid of the cycle lane and narrow the footpath to make more room …

Guest Post: On-road cycle lanes

Here’s a guest post from Darren who’s been thinking about his regular commute:

There’s an ongoing debate around the world regarding delineation of modes:

  • Separate different types and speeds of travellers (think: footpaths, separated cycleways, medians, rail corridors, with signal-controlled

Cycling in Los Angeles

So, as mentioned a couple of weeks back, I recently visited Los Angeles briefly on my return from Washington DC. Instead of the usual rapid stopover at the airport, I took the opportunity for a 24-hour stay to have …

Ferry Road Streetscape Improvements at Woolston Village

The City Council is continuing to churn out new street reconstruction proposals around the city; this time it’s the turn of Woolston Village on Ferry Rd to get a makeover. As usual lately, that includes some improvements to the environment …

Cycling in London – More Pictures

There was plenty of cycle-friendly infrastructure to see even in my limited time around London. So here are a few extra pics of some of the more interesting sights (click to enlarge them):

Next stop: Bristol!

Could some

Hagley/Hospital street works so far

Late last year we introduced you to the planned first central city transport works happening around Hagley Park and Hospital Corner. Just before Christmas, the diggers started work and have now largely completed the first phase and moved onto parts …

Have Your Say: Annex/Birmingham/Wrights/Matipo Street Proposals

I’d better mention this interesting development that is currently out for consultation (closing Friday) – I didn’t even know that this project was in the pipeline until it came out a few weeks ago. But it features A LOT of …