Progress on Chch Cycling Projects

It’s a chilly old time of it in Christchurch lately, and it can feel sometimes like not much is happening locally on the cycle front. Actually there are quite a few projects on the go, either physically on the ground …

Flashback Friday: A Ride around Town – The Old and the New

It’s easy sometimes to get a bit pessimistic or frustrated as we wait for the next bit of the rebuild in the city to take place – when exactly will we see that sports stadium? But sometimes it’s also useful

Flashback Friday: “Accessible City” Plan – What’s In it for Cycling?

As we get around our post-quake rebuilt city, it seems a lifetime ago when the original plans for the rebuild (esp. in the central city) were being finalised by Govt after Council’s initial proposals. Not surprisingly the transport aspects of

Flashback Friday: Open Streets was a Blast!

Back in Sep 2013, the central city was still slowly recovering from the 2010/11 quakes and only opening up bit by bit. To celebrate a bit more opening up of the centre, the Council held an “Open Streets” cyclovia; this

Flashback Friday: Will Christchurch be an Accessible City for Cycling?

If you think about all of the features of the new central city (including the “controversial” ones like St Asaph St and the 30km/h speed limit…), then they had their genesis in a transport plan released seven years ago by

Photo of the Day: New Central City Bike Parking

It is a truism the world over that there never is enough bike parking (motorists might argue that there is never enough car parking either, but that’s another discussion…). Whether you’re in Amsterdam or Auckland, Copenhagen or Christchurch any …

Flashback Friday: Is cycling a part of the new Central City Plan?

It’s almost hard to believe that it was seven years ago when we were pondering how to rebuild our transport networks in Christchurch after the earthquakes. Christchurch City Council had a go first, but then the Govt Agency CERA took

New Central City cycling projects aim to fix the little things

By now we were meant to be enjoying an enlarged public bike-share scheme around the city; instead we have none (but plenty of e-scooters…). The story behind that is for another day, but at least there is a silver …

Guest Photo of the Day: Dodgy cycleway parking

As I said the other day, we’re always after guest contributions to Cycling in Christchurch, big or small. And here’s an example of a simple addition to the conversation. Blogsite reader Geof Wilson sent in this photo with …

Photo of the Day: East Frame Pump Track

There’s a lot going on in town these days; it’s great to see it all coming together. New buildings are popping up; we’re getting nice new spaces like the Oxford Promenade, and fun events like the Bread & Circus

The Oxford Promenade – a new way through town

I’m slowly appreciating a new route through town as a great place for biking – the Oxford Tce “City Promenade”. Since its opening in late November, this new corridor along the Avon River is providing a relatively traffic-free link …

The Oxford Gap – Almost there

If the St Asaph Street upgrade could be described as the ‘flashpoint of debate’ for the Accessible City programme, then the Oxford Gap (Oxford Terrace from the Hospital Corner intersection to the junction with Antigua St linking into The …

Photo of the Day: New cycleway crossings in town

It’s been a crazy-busy couple of weeks for me lately, hence the trickle of blog posts (lots of half-written draft ones coming one day…). In absence of a full-length post or two, here’s a quick look at one of the …

Guest Post: Christchurch Will Never Be Amsterdam

Regular contributor Robert reflects on his recent overseas travels and more local happenings:

This week I rode along to City Council Chambers to present a 5-minute oral submission to the hearings panel concerning lowering of some central Christchurch speed limits

Cycleway and speed consultations underway

There’s a couple of current consultations by the City Council that are worth having a look at, as they have impacts on people cycling:

(1) Firstly, the central city 30km/h zone is planned to be extended south to take in …