#2walkandcycle: Interesting stuff around Nelson

One of the great things about a walking and cycling conference like 2WALKandCYCLE is the opportunity to have a good look around at what the locals have been up to in that regard. So it was that last week’s conference …

Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson

Well I’m a few days back from Nelson, where an action-packed 2WALKandCYCLE Conference kept ~190 delegates engaged for three days last week. The term “action packed” might not sound right in the same sentence as “conference”, but it seems an …

Seminar: How Did They Get Around? Transport in Early Chch, Sat 18 Oct

This weekend there’s an interesting seminar that you might be interested in, courtesy of the WEA and the Beca Heritage Week programme of events:


Saturday 18 October, 1 – 4 pm,

Thoughts from Velo-City Global 2014 Adelaide #vcg14

Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …

Where should our next Open Streets be held?

For a first-time event, the recent Christchurch Open Streets ciclovía was a fairly successful activity (especially considering the so-so weather). Lots of people enjoyed various activities around town without the distraction of motor vehicles. So, on the assumption that we …

Cycling Help from the Dutch – Thu 28th Nov

As was mentioned the other day, the City Council are starting to ramp up the work required to make the city’s new cycleways a reality. This involves quite a team of local planners/designers/etc, and is being guided by the …

What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch? Wed 28th Aug

A presentation coming up might be of interest to viewers, as part of the University of Canterbury’s “What If Wednesdays” series of free public seminars.

What if… We built a cycle-friendly Christchurch?

Presenter: Dr Glen Koorey

Wed 28th August, from