Cycleway and speed consultations underway

There’s a couple of current consultations by the City Council that are worth having a look at, as they have impacts on people cycling:

(1) Firstly, the central city 30km/h zone is planned to be extended south to take in …

Cycle-friendly places vs People-friendly ones

You may have seen the new Cathedral Square concept plans released last week by Regenerate Christchurch. They have certainly generated lots of comment (positive and negative), and you might argue about the architectural merit of some of the development ideas. …

Interesting Chch Cycle-Friendly Consultations

There’s no Major Cycle Routes currently being consulted on at the moment, but the City Council does have a number of other project consultations out right now that might be of interest to those who cycle. Here are some details …

Nor’West Arc Cycleway now due for consultation

Simon Barnard has already introduced you to the latest Major Cycleway project out for consultation and aired his concerns. Here’s a bit more of a breakdown of what is proposed, to help you make a submission (which are due …

Guest Post: Trial by Jury

Here’s a timely guest post by Ian Chesterman – thanks Ian!

The debate around what to do with Victoria street has gone along typical lines, with the pro-biking/walking/public transport group predicting their preferred solution will usher in a utopian future, …

Flashback: Portland Neighbourhood Greenways

A number of the recent proposed Major Cycleways are using “neighbourhood greenway” treatments, including Rapanui/Shag Rock, Papanui Parallel, and Uni-Cycle. Most people understand the concepts of separated cycleways and shared paths that are being used for many …

Ferry Road Streetscape Improvements at Woolston Village

The City Council is continuing to churn out new street reconstruction proposals around the city; this time it’s the turn of Woolston Village on Ferry Rd to get a makeover. As usual lately, that includes some improvements to the environment …

Victoria Street traffic changes

The central city Accessible City transport works continue with a fairly contentious design proposed for the Victoria St corridor from Bealey Ave to Kilmore/Durham. As has typically been the case lately, there are good improvements planned for cycling as part …

More Uni-Cycle consultation in Ilam

The Major Cycleways programme continues with the public consultation for the final part of the Uni-Cycle route, from Riccarton Bush to the University of Canterbury’s Dovedale campus. The proposed 3km route is an interesting mix of all types of …

Cycling Postcards from Australia

Last week I returned from a 10-day family holiday to the east coast of Australia, travelling around between Brisbane and Sydney. Being on holiday (and doing most of the driving), I didn’t take too many cycling-related pictures (see a few …

Flashback: Cycling in Copenhagen

I’ve been lucky to get to visit many interesting places overseas and have dutifully reported about these back here on Cycling in Chch. But there have also been places visited before CiC started that might be of interest to …

Sumner central village street improvements

The projects just keep on coming at present; over in Sumner some new work is also planned for the main street into the village. But you’ve only got another week before submissions are due…

The proposed enhancements to Marriner St …

Rapanui-Shag Rock Cycleway – Linwood Consultation

The Christchurch Major Cycleway projects are starting to gather a head of steam lately; first we saw the planned details for the Little River Link to the southwest, and soon I’ll tell you about another new route for consultation heading …

Why Traffic Speed Matters for Walking and Cycling

In my overviews of looking around Europe, I noted that lower speed limits were prevalent virtually everywhere I went. Yet, in New Zealand we are still only taking a few hesitant baby steps towards similar environments. There are a …

End of Tour: Reflections on Cycling in Europe

So, two months after I actually returned home, we come to the end of the belated reports on my 3-month study tour of Europe. I finished with a couple of days in Frankfurt, Germany, before flying out, and I’ve …

Vauban and Rieselfeld, Freiburg: Suburbs for Cycling

During my time in Freiburg, Germany, I paid a visit to two outlying suburbs that have become poster-children for sustainable development. Vauban and Rieselfeld lie to the south and west of central Freiburg respectively, with about 6-7000 people in …

Freiburg – Cycling and Sustainability

We’ve seen a lot of examples of cities around Europe that are doing great things for cycling. But our local readers might say “You’ve shown us big cities (e.g. Munich, Vienna, London), small cities (e.g. Enschede,