Interesting cycle stuff from New York

My travels to the US have just finished, but let’s go back to where I spent last weekend – in New York. The same magazine that rated Washington DC in the top five best cycle-friendly US cities had (somewhat controversially) …

Interesting cycle stuff from Washington DC

Greetings from the chilly US! The reason for the gap since my last post is because I’ve been in Washington DC for the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting. You may recall from my last visit here that this is …

Highlights from #2walkandcycle Conference Nelson

Well I’m a few days back from Nelson, where an action-packed 2WALKandCYCLE Conference kept ~190 delegates engaged for three days last week. The term “action packed” might not sound right in the same sentence as “conference”, but it seems an …

Guest Post Part 7 – Cycling in London

Guest blogger Robert wraps up his travels around the world with a look at one of the great cities of the world:

Since London probably needs little introduction, let’s start with a “What if…” question.

What if Boris Johnson had …

Guest Post Part 3 – Cycling in Madrid

This week, our roving guest blogger Robert has got himself to Spain’s capital city:

Madrid is located in the centre of Spain at an altitude of approximately 650m.  The central area undulates gently in a manner that could be compared …

Thoughts from Velo-City Global 2014 Adelaide #vcg14

Well it’s been a while since my last post, but that’s mainly because I’ve been in Australia this past week. Most of my time was spent in Adelaide for the Velo-City Global 2014 cycling conference, the first time this international …

Cycling Help from the Dutch – Thu 28th Nov

As was mentioned the other day, the City Council are starting to ramp up the work required to make the city’s new cycleways a reality. This involves quite a team of local planners/designers/etc, and is being guided by the …

Guest Post: Cycling in the Netherlands

Here’s an interesting guest post from regular viewer Frank Dohmen (Cyclomaniac):

After been away for 7 years we decided to visit family and friends in our home country the Netherlands. Since our friends and family are quite spread over the …

The World’s Most Bicycle Friendly Cities

A closely related organisation to Cycling in Christchurch is Spokes Canterbury, who amongst other things advocate for better infrastructure to encourage more people to cycle more often. They have recently adopted a goal of making Christchurch one of the …